Landscape (UK)

Clotted cream & strawberry iced roll


Serves 8

600g clotted cream 400g condensed milk 250g fresh strawberri­es, hulled and quartered butter, for greasing 4 eggs 200g golden caster sugar, plus extra to sprinkle 200g self-raising flour

1.5-litre narrow tub, with lid 35 x 25cm baking tin

In a large bowl, mix the clotted cream and condensed milk, using a spatula, until just combined. Transfer to the tub and add the strawberri­es, roughly stirring them in. Cover the mixture with the lid and freeze for 2 hrs, then whisk with a fork, breaking up the ice particles. Freeze for 2 hrs again, then whisk in the same way. Freeze overnight.

In the meantime, preheat the oven to 190°C/gas mark 5 and grease and line the baking tin. In a bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar together for 3-4 mins until thick and creamy, and three times the original volume. Sift in the flour, then fold in thoroughly. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin, tipping it from side to side to get an even coverage, and bake for 10-12 mins until the sponge springs back when lightly pressed with the back of a knife.

Sprinkle an A4 piece of baking paper with caster sugar and turn out the sponge onto the sugar while still hot. Leaving it on the baking paper, wrap the sponge around a wine bottle, then tie with string at both ends to fix in place. Allow to cool.

Take the ice cream out of the freezer 20 mins before needed. Remove from the tub in a block, then wrap in cling film. Roll on a chopping board to make a cylinder. Unwrap the sponge cake and remove the inner baking paper. Remove the cling film and place the ice cream in the middle. Wrap the sponge around it, then rewrap in cling film tightly. Freeze for 1 hr. Remove the wrapping, place on a serving plate, trim the ends and serve.

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