Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Medal success at championsh­ips



City of Canterbury’s rhythmic gymnasts brought back 13 medals from last weekend’s British Championsh­ips in Stoke-on-Trent, third only to the hauls managed by the London Academy of Gymnastics and Swindon-based club Esprit. The competitio­n ended an excellent month for the club after a record-breaking English Championsh­ips two weeks ago in which Canterbury girls took five of the 12 all-around medals available, including a one-two in the under-11 section for Leah Alcock and Negarin Tabibi. With Alcock and Tabibi missing from the Potteries on Saturday, Emily Woodruff was the pick of the Canterbury youngsters – adding under-12 British bronze to her English medal of the same colour. Fourteen-year-old Abbie Wyver missed out narrowly in the fight for all-around thirdplace but bounced back with three medals in the junior individual apparatus finals held on Sunday. Jael Gore flew the Canterbury flag in the senior competitio­n in the absence of older sister Kezi and walked away with five medals, with overall bronze and a silver for her hoop routine. Birthday girl Eve Baker-Roberts, who qualified for all of the apparatus finals, Chloe Picton, Lottie Wittich and Christie Lee-Pullen made up the seven-strong Canterbury contingent. Long-serving coach Anni Ahmavaara was presiding over her 11th national championsh­ips and was delighted with the efforts of her athletes. She said: “These were good championsh­ips for the club. We had one of the largest entries this year, so there has been a lot of work to do. “The English Championsh­ips two weeks ago was good preparatio­n for this as I was able to make last-minute changes to improve the quality of performanc­es. “All the girls performed routines that matched good training performanc­es and that’s all I can ask for. Things are promising for the CWG and the Junior European Championsh­ips next year.”

 ??  ?? WINNING ROUTINE: City of Canterbury Rhythmic Gymnastics Club members who achieved success at the British Championsh­ips
WINNING ROUTINE: City of Canterbury Rhythmic Gymnastics Club members who achieved success at the British Championsh­ips
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