Kentish Express Ashford & District

More strikes on the way


Southern Rail workers are planning to stage a new wave of strikes over the Christmas and New Year period.

Govia Thameslink Railway, the company that owns the franchise, has been in a battle with its workers for months over plans for more driver-only trains.

Staff now plan to strike on December 22 for three days, and for a further three days from New Year’s Eve.

The dates are likely to cause massive disruption and frustratio­n for passengers travelling to see family over the festive season. Southern runs services through Ashford and Tonbridge.

National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) general secretary Mick Cash said: “Yet again the sheer pig-headedness of the company and the government means that our members are being forced to take further industrial action in a bid to maintain a safe and secure service on Southern Rail.

“In the light of the continuing public anger at the absolute state of the Southern Rail operation, it is disgracefu­l that neither the company or the government are prepared to engage and are continuing to attempt to impose driver-only operation in the interests of putting profit before safety.

“We call on them to get round the negotiatin­g table rather than jamming their heads in the sand.” A spokesman for Govia Thameslink said: “Not content with causing months of misery, the RMT has now hit a new low and is determined to cancel Christmas for the travelling public.

“These latest strikes will not just hit families wanting to get home for Christmas but also the shops and businesses for whom Christmas is their busiest time.

“These strikes are spiteful, vindictive and pointless given the majority of conductors have now signed up to the new onboard role.

“This has never been about safety; it’s purely about the RMT hanging on to outdated working practices and union power.”

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