Kent Messenger Maidstone

Many owners don’t clean up after dogs


I know there as been letters about the problem of dog poo but I think it has got worse!

I have not walked our dog for a few weeks now - my husband has been doing it - but I was amazed when I went down to the field near to where we live.

It is covered with it and so is a lot of the pavement.

We are in the middle of a pandemic, where most people are trying to keep things and themselves - spotlessly clean.

But the dog poo has got worse. What is wrong with people?

And some of those that do pick it up drop it at the top of the field, there are black bags everywhere. Don’t have a dog if you cannot clear up after it.

It’s disgusting.

Yvonne Stewart

There are good people and bad people on both sides, as Trump declared after Charlottes­ville (and within two sentences of his famous “racist” remark he condemned utterly the right wing extremists but of course that is never reported).

The ultimate agenda of BLM is the breakdown of society leading to a Marxist revolution. To do this they must hobble law enforcemen­t and to see our police taking the knee is ominous indeed. Of course black lives matter but so do all other colours.

There is a narrative here that is being sustained by our media and it has little to do with truth and facts, more with an agenda to change our society, ultimately away from our beloved freedoms and prosperity into ugly totalitari­anism and the poverty that you see in every failed Marxist state.

I weep for our country and for civilised societies across the world that have developed into the least racist in the whole of human history. Not perfect, because people are not perfect but why are the multitude of countries across the world that still condone and practice outright slavery not given a mention by these protesters? There is a big difference between equality of opportunit­y and equality of outcome.

BLM wants the latter, regardless of personal choices, bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominato­r. A society only prospers when there is incentive to be diligent, work hard and get an education.

Rachel Temple

 ??  ?? One dog owner claims that others are leaving their pets’ mess in fields and on pavements, rather than clearing up
One dog owner claims that others are leaving their pets’ mess in fields and on pavements, rather than clearing up

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