Kent Messenger Maidstone

Near-death prank

Clubber is saved from choking in bizarre drinking game


The clubber swallowed a £2 coin which became lodged in his throat – and almost claimed his life.

It was only the quick-thinking actions of patrolling volunteers which almost certainly saved the man from death.

The man, who has not been identified, stumbled out of Strawberry Moons nightclub in a distressed state after knocking back the booze containing the coin.

He was spotted by passing Street Pastors moments before he became unresponsi­ve when the incident suddenly escalated to a life-or-death situation.

One of those who rushed to help save him said: “It’s the first time we have ever had anything with someone that close to death.

“He was a very lucky man.”

A 24-year-old man nearly choked to death during a bizarre drinking game in Maidstone town centre at the weekend.

The roles were reversed at Tiger Primary School’s annual summer fair on Sunday.

Pupils at the school in Loose were given the chance to soak principal Charlotte Scott after sticking her in the stocks.

There was no shortage of other entertainm­ent on offer to the 400 visitors at the Boughton Lane premises.

A bouncy castle had been set up, along with a tombola, raffle and a target game.

Music was performed by the Headcorn Ukelele Group and there was a barbecue.

The fair was organised by the Parent and Wider Support group, otherwise known as PAWS.

By the end of the day, around £2,500 had been raised.

Mrs Scott said: “The fair was a fantastic event. Everyone who came along had a great time, as did the staff and volunteers.”

 ?? Picture: Gary Browne FM3891188 FM3891317 Buy photos at ?? School principal Charlotte Scott with Kate, Imogen and Stanley ready to pelt her with sponges at the summer fair at Tiger Primary School; Tara Goble and Jack Hawkins busy on the barbecue
Picture: Gary Browne FM3891188 FM3891317 Buy photos at School principal Charlotte Scott with Kate, Imogen and Stanley ready to pelt her with sponges at the summer fair at Tiger Primary School; Tara Goble and Jack Hawkins busy on the barbecue
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