Inside Soap

Carla’s fears – after Peter’s secret liaisons with Abi!


- Laura-jayne Tyler

Peter rides to Abi’s rescue this week, after his ex-girlfriend’s drug addiction returns with a vengeance – and the desperate woman is poised to pump herself full of morphine, having swiped it from Weatherfie­ld General! Fortunatel­y, Peter catches Abi in the act and tries to stop her from making a grave mistake. However, while secretly trying to save old flame Abi from herself, he puts his current relationsh­ip on the line by lying to Carla about it… “Peter and Abi have been split up for a long time, and are both now in solid partnershi­ps,” points out our Corrie insider. “However, only recovering addicts understand each other in the way that Peter and Abi do, so of course he’s drawn to help her. That’s not down to the fact that they used to be lovers, but because Peter knows exactly what it’s like to relapse. He feels in some way responsibl­e for Abi – but will Carla see it like that?”

“Peter knows exactly what it’s like to relapse”

Abi steals morphine from the hospital following her accident at the garage. The doctors treating Abi refuse to supply her with any pain relief for the very reason that she’s a former junkie, and may well end up hooked on narcotics again.


However, temptation gets the better of Abi, as she swipes the medication from a nurse’s trolley. Peter is with her at the time, having found her in distress at the garage and called for help, so witnesses her making a grab for the potent drug. So, Peter makes a point of calling on Abi after she returns home with Kevin – and it’s a good thing he does, as Peter catches her red-handed!

“Abi’s already in the process of knocking back a slug of morphine when Peter turns up, so she hides the remainder of her stash down the side of the sofa,” reveals our source. “She insists to Peter that she didn’t nick any drugs, and he leaves No 13 seemingly satisfied that Abi is telling the truth. Sadly, though, Peter has far too much experience of his own to fall for another addict’s fibs…”


After Peter leaves, Abi goes to retrieve the remaining morphine, only to find that it has disappeare­d. So, she follows Peter to the backyard of the Rovers, where he flatly refuses to be swayed in his

Carla’s worried that Abi will latch on to Peter and not let go”

mission to help her. But is Abi prepared to listen? Meanwhile, Carla becomes suspicious after Peter lies to her about visiting Abi. When she eventually gets to the bottom of it and learns that Peter is trying to save Abi from her addiction, Carla warns him to tread very carefully. She points out that it wasn’t long ago that Abi was head over heels for Peter, and that she could end up replacing her dependency on drugs with a craving for him instead! Is Carla right to be concerned? “Carla doesn’t believe Abi is a threat to her relationsh­ip – she’s just genuinely worried that Abi will latch on to Peter and won’t be able to let go,” explains our spy. “Peter doesn’t have the best track record for letting people down gently, either. He was once married to two women at the same time because he couldn’t say no!”


After Abi assures Peter that she intends to go to a support group later that day, it seems as though she’s taking the correct steps to clean up her act. So can Peter trust Abi’s word? Or is she simply buying herself more time in order to score her next fix?

 ??  ?? Abi’s arm is on the mend – but her drug addiction is back
Abi’s arm is on the mend – but her drug addiction is back
 ??  ?? Abi’s arm was trapped under a car she was working on at the garage
Abi’s arm was trapped under a car she was working on at the garage
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Will Abi listen to Peter’s pleas to curb her ways?
Will Abi listen to Peter’s pleas to curb her ways?
 ??  ??

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