Inside Soap

Sharon is stunned by Keanu’s age


- Kate White

Naughty Sharon gets a wake-up call this week, when she realises that her toy boy Keanu is still a teenager. She hadn’t known just how young the lad is – but when Keanu tries to apply for a minicab licence and is turned down because he’s not old enough, the penny drops. It turns out Keanu can’t be fully licensed until he’s 21, so he’s upset he has to wait two years. Meanwhile, Sharon is mortified to realise she’s almost 30 years older than her teenage lover.

“Sharon knew Keanu was young, but not that young!” chuckles our Walford gossip. “Instead of being thrilled that she’s pulled such a hunk, Sharon’s now appalled with herself. It wasn’t long ago that she was giving best friend Michelle hell for copping off with a teenager. Now, she’s the cradle-snatcher, and it doesn’t sit right with her.”

Things have been hotting up between the secret lovers, with Keanu even posing for a series of sexy selfies to send to his mistress. But once the agegap informatio­n is out in the open, Sharon cools towards him and makes her excuses to get away. Keanu realises something is up, yet it’s not until he confronts Sharon that she admits what’s going on. Telling Keanu that she’s way too old for him, she calls time on their romance and leaves her lover licking his wounds.

“Keanu doesn’t get why Sharon is acting like this,” says our spy. “Why should his age change anything? He doesn’t care that Sharon’s older than him, he just wants to be with her. It doesn’t matter what she says about her age or what

Phil will do if he finds out about them, Keanu can’t believe Sharon’s throwing it all away.”

Following the split, things are tense between Sharon and Keanu when they run into each other in the Square. He’s on

Keanu doesn’t get why his age should change anything…”

his way to a job interview and offers to drop Phil’s car keys back now they’re over. But later, there’s horror for Sharon when she hears of a car accident in the place where Keanu was headed. As she franticall­y tries to reach him on the phone, Sharon fears the worst – and her worry grows when Karen can’t get hold of Keanu either. Will he turn up safe and sound?

 ??  ?? Hat’s life! Keanu’s days of taking photos for Sharon may well be over
Hat’s life! Keanu’s days of taking photos for Sharon may well be over
 ??  ??

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