Inside Soap

Christmas in Walford preview!

Lives hang in the balance as death stalks the Square…


The residents of Walford will be trapped in their very own festive nightmare as secrets and lies explode – changing the Square forever! Lives are on the line in what insiders are billing as Eastenders’ most catastroph­ic Christmas to date – but who might not live to tell this winter’s tale?


Murderous Max is due to have more blood on his hands this Yuletide, after he sets his killer sights on Ian and Phil! With his double dealings exposed, Albert Square’s most hated man will become unhinged as he franticall­y tries to claw his way out of an impossible situation.

“One of the biggest stories that we’ve ever told will revolve around Max,” reveals Eastenders executive consultant John Yorke. “His past actions will come back to haunt him in the most powerful and appalling way.”

However, when Max finds himself in the arms of his very own guardian angel, he’s convinced that he’s found his saviour. Will love light the way for Max to see that peace and goodwill is his only hope of survival? Or will one final twist see the ghost of Christmas past come rap-a-tap-tapping on his door?


Meanwhile, the Brannings will be torn apart as Lauren and her pregnant sister Abi make an explosive exit from Walford!

One final piece of evidence relating to their dad Max’s treachery is set to turn their worlds upside down. But what lights the fuse to blow the clan sky-high?

“The Brannings will be at the heart of the drama, as all those involved in the plot to buy up the Square get their spectacula­r comeuppanc­e,” teases John.

“The story rapidly builds to a climax, with the events on Christmas Day laying down the shape of Albert Square for years to come.”

Will both Lauren and Abi see that they have to wash their hands of Max and Walford for good? Or is a more permanent exit on the cards, if they’re caught in the crossfire of their dad’s despicable drama?


The Grinch that stole Christmas has nothing on villain Aidan ‘JP’ Maguire this Yule, as Phil’s old prison buddy recruits some of the Square’s most capable fellas to help pull off the heist of the century!

Having carefully identified the likes of Phil and Vincent for their ‘skills’, JP makes Mick an offer that is hard to refuse as the Carters face losing the Vic. If

Mick chooses to accept and it pays off, a Christmas miracle could see all of his problems disappear. But if Aidan’s plan goes belly up, it won’t be the streets that Mick finds himself sleeping on – but a musty old mattress in prison!

However, Aidan’s motley crew could have even bigger worries as their associatio­n with him spells deadly consequenc­es. Will the gang live to regret crossing the wily old crook?

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