Inside Soap

“The audience will be gripped!”

Isabel Hodgins lifts the lid on the thrilling village ‘whodunnit?’…


As Emma’s story builds to its stunning climax this fortnight, Victoria is central to the plot after she overhears Adam call the police on Ross. She soon realises that her hubby is up to something, and takes action – but can Victoria repair the damage before it’s too late? Star Isabel Hodgins (Victoria) tells us what it’s like to be in the thick of the drama…

Hi, Isabel! What have you made of everything so far in Emma’s murder plot?

It’s been non-stop! It’s been one thing after another, and I like the shock factor – like when Holly Barton died. No one expected Finn to go, either. Everything with Emma and the whole mystery has reached a really nice peak, and it’ll be interestin­g to see the fallout.

Are you a ‘whodunnit?’ fan?

Yes, I quite enjoy them – but I bet the audience don’t! I bet they’re like, “Please can we find out now?”. With this one in particular, though, the writers have been very clever and creative. All the red herrings are really good, so I think it’s going to keep viewers gripped and keep them very interested in the story.

Is it exciting to be a part of?

It’s great! It’s so nice to be involved and be in the thick of something big, knowing that people are taking notice.

How will Victoria feel if it turns out Adam is guilty?

I think she would feel like a fool – like, how could she not have known that her own husband did that? I think she would feel massively betrayed, especially when he’s been claiming that he’s innocent. Nobody likes being lied to!

But at the moment, Victoria is just trying to stay calm and believe that everything will be okay in the end.

Of course, many people are thinking Adam is guilty, given that we know actor Adam Thomas is leaving the Dales shortly…

Well, I can’t comment on that – but I can definitely tell you that I will miss him! He’s like my ray of sunshine. When you’re coupled up with someone on screen, they become ‘your’ person at work, as you just gravitate towards them. Me and Adam are very close, and we’ve establishe­d a nice bond. We’ve worked together for quite a while, so there is going to be a massive void when he goes. I want him to do well, succeed in life and all that blah blah – but actually I’m just devastated that he’s leaving!

 ??  ?? Victoria acts when she hears Adam drop Ross in it
Victoria acts when she hears Adam drop Ross in it
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Has Adam been lying to his wife all this time?
Has Adam been lying to his wife all this time?

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