iNews Weekend



Live Uefa Euro 2024

4.30pm, BBC One & 7pm, ITV1

The last of the round-of-16 matches, with the surprise winners of the toughest group, Austria, in action this evening in Leipzig (kick-off 8pm). They will be going up against Turkey, whom Austria hammered 6-1 in March. Earlier, Romania play Netherland­s in the 5pm kick-off in Munich.

Bake Off: The Profession­als

8pm, Channel 4

It’s the quarter-final, and the five remaining teams take on Cherish Finden and Benoit Blin’s secret challenge to create a plated dessert that celebrates the use of caramel. For their second challenge, the teams have five hours to create a display of frozen lollipops presented within a delicate sugar sculpture, inspired by a winter wonderland theme. As always, Liam Charles and Ellie Taylor watch from the sidelines.

The Yorkshire Vet

8pm, Channel 5

Another busy caseload in God’s own county as Peter Wright has an equipment malfunctio­n and Julian Norton performs emergency surgery on a poorly spaniel suspected of eating a family-sized tub of chocolates. Matt Smith (no, not that Matt Smith), meanwhile, searches for a way to extract two snakes from the water cooler bottle inside which they are stuck.

Super Surgeons: A Chance at Life

9pm, Channel 4

Two more astonishin­g stories from the Royal Marsden Hospital in London. Professor Asif Chaudry attempts to remove a tumour between 74-year-old Matthew’s oesophagus and stomach, while surgical oncologist Myles Smith tackles 30-year-old Lauren’s myxoid-liposarcom­a, a tumour in her groin which has been causing her problems since the age of eight.

The Baby Scandal that Shocked the World

9pm, Channel 5

A twisty adoption saga from the turn of the millennium and the early days of the internet – and already the subject of a 2022 docuseries, Three Mothers, Two Babies and a Scandal. It tells of the internet adoptions of the same twin babies by separate families on two different continents, and the transatlan­tic custody battle and media storm that ensued.


9pm, BBC Three

The final double bill of this gym-based workplace sitcom from some of the talent behind People Just Do Nothing. Andy Peacock (PJDN’s Allan Mustafa) is diagnosed with low testostero­ne, Kara endorses a pre-workout that has unfortunat­e side effects and Jonathan and Eunice begin a steamy affair.

 ?? ?? What will Alexia and Justina do after ‘Inheriting the Castle’? 10pm, BBC Four
What will Alexia and Justina do after ‘Inheriting the Castle’? 10pm, BBC Four

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