iNews Weekend

This week I have been...



I recently got back from Indonesia where, five days before my return, I caught dengue fever. It is a mosquito-borne tropical disease that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It’s knocked me for six and I’m under strict instructio­ns to rest. I’m enjoying my time at home – I just wish I didn’t feel so knackered.


My work schedule gets pretty hectic, and a lot of my diary is already set out with military precision up until the end of 2024. Ridiculous, I know! So, to make sure I keep my life/work balance right, I always spend time early in the new year planning lots of amazing things outside of work. This may sound far too organised, but because my three kids are very grown up now, with even busier diaries than me, I love to plan lots of UK and overseas trips together, so we have many exciting things to look forward to. I’ve done a lot of planning this week.


I love walking in London. It is exciting, dynamic and ever-changing. Even though I’ve lived here for 28 years, I still come across so many things on walks that I’ve never really noticed before. Even walking on a different side of the street on a familiar route, you see things differentl­y.

Because I have this rare length of time at home, I’ve been working from early in the morning until around 3.30pm, then getting some air and light exercise. I’ve been going for a long city walk. Yesterday I walked to Fortnum & Mason in Piccadilly where I bought a couple of pork pies and their famous piccalilli! (left).

Little Experts: How to Build a Home by George Clarke, illustrate­d by Robert Sae-Heng, published by Red Shed

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