Impartial Reporter

Fermanagh to host internatio­nal Pony Club Tetrathlon in August

- Sandhya Suresh

Senior Internatio­nal Tetrathlon

FERMANAGH is set to host a prestigiou­s internatio­nal sports event in early August. The Pony Club Senior Internatio­nal Tetrathlon 2024 will feature 150 athletes from the UK, Ireland, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

It will be held at Castle Irvine in Necarne from August 2 to 4.

The public is invited to be part of the opening horseback mounted ‘ceremony of colours’ parade on August 1 at 3pm.

The competitio­n which involves four phases, shooting, swimming, running, and horse riding, are encouragin­g people to watch the cross-country running and riding as well as the show jumping phases to be held at Necarne on August 3 and August 4.

Fermanagh siblings, Sophia and Patrick Williams have been appointed as vice-captains of the UK Senior Girls and Boys teams respective­ly following their unrivalled triumphs last summer at the Pony Club UK Tetrathlon Championsh­ips in England.

Since they were 10, the siblings, now 19 and 18 respective­ly, have been competing in Pony Club Tetrathlon­s.

Last week they won the Open Girls and Boys classes respective­ly at the Northern Ireland Tethrathlo­n Championsh­ips at Hazeldene Farm.

They have also qualified for the UK Tetrathlon Championsh­ips in August where they will compete to retain their UK Champions titles.

Sophia and Patrick’s parents, Heather Williams, head of the Northern Ireland Pony Club Tetrathlon, and Jonny Williams, a former Northern Ireland internatio­nal tetrathlet­e, in corporatio­n with the Northern Ireland Area and Senior Internatio­nal Tetrathlon Committee are spearheadi­ng the organisati­on of this event.

The Tetrathlon is a variant of the Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon and serves as a major recruiting platform.

Competitor­s, especially at the senior level of up to age 25, are expected to shoot at targets 10 metres away using air pistols.

Competitor­s also run a cross country, 1,500m for girls and 3km for boys.

The competitio­n encourages proper year-round training to compete successful­ly, but it is set to be an exciting event for the county.

 ?? ?? Sophia and Patrick Williams with their shared family mare, Blaugheen, pictured before competing at the Northern Ireland Tetrathlon Championsh­ips 2024 at Hazledene Farm. Image: Maria Rolston.
Sophia and Patrick Williams with their shared family mare, Blaugheen, pictured before competing at the Northern Ireland Tetrathlon Championsh­ips 2024 at Hazledene Farm. Image: Maria Rolston.

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