Impartial Reporter

Delight as Brass band summer school brings together 70 musicians from across Ireland


MORE than 70 brass musicians from across Ireland jammed together at the Fermanagh/ Tyrone Brass Band Summer School last week.

Participan­ts flocked from Cork, Limerick, Wexford, Belfast, and Carrickfer­gus to take part in the event that ran from July 18 to 20.

The musicians practiced pieces under the guidance of Professor Garry Cutt, known for his time conducting the Grimethorp­e Colliery Band when the award-winning film ‘Brassed Off’ was produced.

The participan­ts also broke off into smaller groups to work on the specifics of each compositio­n alongside different workshops such as the Live Tutor Quiz, Whit Friday Contest, and the Tutor Soloist


The repertoire performed represente­d a diverse range of genres and cultures, and also saw participan­ts work with Ronan Mckee on African drumming.

Other tutors included Dewi

Griffiths, Tom Smith, Owen Farr, Amy Ewen, Mick Marshall, and Les Neish.

The course closed in front of a full house at St. Macartin’s Cathedral Hall in Enniskille­n.

‘A great success’

Stephen Crooks, course director, said: “This year’s course was a great success, seeing all corners of Ireland represente­d, and with a wide participan­t age range of seven to the young at heart at 83, and with everyone coming together to make music and learn from top educators in a relaxed environmen­t, making new friendship­s.

“A highlight for me was bringing everyone to the middle of the town in Enniskille­n [at The Diamond] and performing for the public on Saturday afternoon with the sounds of the brass ringing through the town.”

The formation of the 2025 course is already under way, with additional events planned throughout the year.

 ?? ?? Above: Participat­ing musicians playing at The Diamond in Enniskille­n. Photo by Stephen Crooks.
Above: Participat­ing musicians playing at The Diamond in Enniskille­n. Photo by Stephen Crooks.
 ?? ?? Left: There was great representa­tion from all across the island of Ireland for the event, which also included a number of diverse workshops.
Photo by Stephen Crooks.
Left: There was great representa­tion from all across the island of Ireland for the event, which also included a number of diverse workshops. Photo by Stephen Crooks.

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