
Learn the basics

At the very least you should follow basic rules online


We are covering all of the different ways in which you can keep safe online and reduce the chances of getting hacked or having your personal informatio­n shared with others, but you really do need to start with the basics at the very least. Some simple rules, which you may not have previously thought about, can help greatly in protecting yourself and they take virtually no time to implement. You simply need to remember the rules and use them wisely whenever you are online, and the benefits will come to you in the long run.

Type, don’t click

If it is practical, make sure you type in the name of a social network or online service you use. You can of course use bookmarks, but never click on links to access them.

Where are you?

When you check in online you are telling people where you are. This is especially true when going on holiday for a week or more so think about what you are publishing to the world.

Stay anonymous

Not all social networks require you to be identified as yourself so feel free to stay anonymous if you can. This is a surefire way to add layers of privacy in one simple move.

Security is key

From strong passwords to two-factor authentica­tion to common sense, take advantage of all the security tools available and think of the worst case scenario at all times when you’re setting up your account. 186

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