
Organise your TV watching collection


1 Sign up with trakt.tv

You can use the free version to track a few series, but if you are a TV addict like us, you’ll want to link it with trakt.tv for unlimited access. ishows Premium is £4.99, but is worth it.

2 Build your collection

Start browsing to add shows to your tracker. The Trending and Popular tabs help you find top shows but in the top-right, you can search or browse for a specific show or genre.

3 Expand the collection

Now that you’ve started, you can begin to expand your library. Keep your favourites separate by long-holding the main image and adding the show to your Favourites tab.

4 What have you seen?

Tap a series image and mark off episodes you’ve seen by tapping the eye symbol under the image. Swipe left to get a dropdown list of episodes, which you can tick off individual­ly.

5 When is it released?

To help you track ongoing series, ishows will tell you when the next episode is on. You can choose to get notificati­ons to remind you before each episode starts.

6 Rate your shows

To help trakt.tv and ishows recommend new series to you, or to help yourself remember what you liked and didn’t like, you can rate each episode from one to five stars.

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