Hull Daily Mail




Choose between cryptic and quick clues to tackle the Giant crossword – both lead to the same answers.


13 Generally speaking, covering not only part of (2,3,5)

14 “Trailblaze­r” is the one

coming in to jetty (7)

15 Cut to the pair

dancing nude (6)

16 Can change – and set about changing

– the attitude (6)

17 Decided the test: lashed

out and got ahead (7)

18 Try to get time to

assemble the seat (5)

19 Money is the key (4)

20 A hard murderer to

catch, in the series (5)

21 Save from the said mob (5)

22 Concoct, to get Sid and

Eve involved in (6)

23 It shows you’re wrong

to be peeved (5)

28 Pulled the dagger

out – dead (7)

30 Returns and is back again

among the wild swans (7)

33 The fruit of two trees (9)

36 Lots of pages of music (6)

38 Ran, when the car overturned, to get the man (5) 39 “Kind and gentle”

put in for fun (5)

40 Pop the c-cover

on. It’s white (6)

42 Stop to unlock the

case with a key (5)

43 Having a notice to serve

on, terribly hostile (7)

44 Had plumped for

“Hot Scone,” running on the outside (6)

46 Sensible, the

letters said (4)

49 Lovely and light (4)

51 Changes men get

terribly sad about (6)

53 Taking up the carpet?

That’s rich! (7)

55 About to ring us again

in, to awaken (5)

59 Changes to “Broken

slate letting rain in” (6)

60 Wash out. Cancel all but

the first hundred (5)

61 Stop when you won’t give

clear-cut answers to (5)

62 To deal with the landslide,

he goes round (6)

63 Keep at it and get through,

hard though it is (9)

65 In short, once is stupidly

caught entering (7) 66 Understood to have been

taken in hand by (7)

70 Resistance put up to

having a kiosk (5)

71 Tended to, when

one bent over (6)

73 Early in the morning, round

about five, had spotted (5)

75 When the troubles were

bad Leo left: split (5)

80 Cross, telling you there’s

more to come (4)

82 Though a mistake, it

starts off pleasantly (5)

83 When a gale’s blowing, bring a number inside to save (7)

84 He’s on his toes,

inserting the key (6)

85 While having posted

the agreement (6)

86 On return, gets informatio­n

about one’s savings (4,3)

87 One that’s shot to make

crowds disperse? (7-3)


Can’t work in silence, you grasp (6)

2 Assuming to be an obsession about relations (8) 3 The group we are in is

very nice, indeed (5)

4 Is attracted by and

sets out to get (4,3)

5 A more successful

gambler (6)

6 Conjure up words

like magic? (5)

7 Fed the old within that

had collapsed (6)

8 Standing, as always,

outside, it’s fidgety (7)

9 One’s informant in the wardrobe department? (5,5)

10 Spotted – small

and spotted (5)

11 Did he come second in the “Fastest Climber Competitio­n?” (8)

12 Just to get to know (4)

24 Goes off with friends at

the end of class (7)

25 Feel it’s essential to

start off with (5)

26 Foreign? Three quarters

– and a beauty (7)

27 Before turning in, sent on exhibit to the Reptile House (7)

29 Gather in the cherub’s

head is damaged (5) 31 Special position that’s

pleasant and hard to fill (5)

32 The name that came up (4)

34 Game bird flying the

geese start to follow (6)

35 Unwilling, which makes a

deal hard to conclude (4)

37 Hold back, from

stand-offishness (7)

41 Really mean to get

informatio­n (3-4)

45 Either pick out or miss? (6)

47 Huge volume I’ve put

at the bottom (7)

48 Material the silly sap

is in hock for (7)

50 “Sickness”, left in, I

mean to erase (7)

52 Deleted “let off” from

the document (4)

54 The English boys are

taken round by guides (5)

56 Work out that only a small

number will fit in (5)

57 Open some of the

sound ones (4)

58 Stay with the female

or go inside (5)

60 Heavens, answer!

Exchange letters with! (10)

64 For a member of the family

hiding in, boding ill (8) 67 Doctor Russel flakes

out. Has a snooze (8)

68 Batting and anxious

in the extreme (7)

69 Many, as always, in the

saloon half cut (7)

72 Ran when one threw at (6)

74 Go by the east, to “82” (6)

76 Come out – pour out

– into the street (6)

77 For the liver concoction, brought round a large dish (5)

78 Waves down when

one’s tiring (5)

79 In one’s hurry, the

hot tea’s spilt (5)

81 Does prove durable,

after all (4)

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