Hull Daily Mail

Carer lashed out at neighbour


A HULL woman verbally abused her neighbour in an hour-long rant, causing the family-friendly street to turn nasty, a court heard.

Jayne Wilkinson, 59, of Hales Crescent, Hedon, admitted to using abusive, threatenin­g and insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of unlawful violence, when she appeared at Hull Magistrate­s’ Court this week.

Colette Dixon, prosecutin­g, said that in the evening of September 4, Wilkinson was “very much in drink” when she made verbal threats. The police were called to her address.

Ms Dixon read the victim’s impact statement in court. She said: “This is a family street with lots of young children, we have had no issues at all, other than with Jayne.

“It is only when she is drinking that she causes issues, which she does most of the time.”

Ms Dixon said: “Her neighbour’s children were present when the incident occurred and witnessed it, they found it very upsetting.”

Wilkinson was arrested and taken to the police station where she was interviewe­d and admitted that she had been drinking since the mid-afternoon and was dependant on alcohol.

However, she disputed that she was drunk, stating that she had only drunk a few glasses of red wine, the court heard.

In mitigation, Wilkinson said: “I am very sorry for what happened and it certainly won’t happen again. I had been provoked a few months ago and I have moved on. I hope to change my life completely.”

The magistrate­s sentenced Wilkinson to a 12-month community order and ordered her to pay a £250 fine.

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