Hull Daily Mail

Five postcodes with the lowest Covid-19 cases



PARTS of Hull are showing a decline in coronaviru­s cases despite the city becoming Yorkshire’s worst hotspot.

Public Health England (PHE) data shows the rates of infection in different areas and which ones have been hit the hardest.

With cases increasing rapidly across Hull it is difficult to pinpoint an area that has not been struck down by the virus.

However, there are three areas in the city that has shown the least amount of positive test results according to PHE’S interactiv­e map.

Newland Avenue has the lowest rolling rate across the city with 295.7 per 100,000 of the population recorded and a total of 24 cases.

Hull’s worst affected area is Bransholme West with a weekly rate of 919.7.

Elsewhere, Newland South went up by 18 cases in the seven days leading to November 3, with 34 cases in total.

The rolling rate remains low compared to most areas at 376.9.

The PHE map colours areas in shades of blue to highlight areas with rolling rates between 50 and 400 cases per 100,000 of the population.

However, most of the city has been coloured purple indicating the highest rates in the UK.

The overall infection rate for Hull is currently one of the worst in England.

Newland Avenue has recorded 25 cases in total, a 78.6 per cent increase from the week before.

However, the infection rate remains one of the lowest in the city with 308.

Southcoate­s East recorded ten new cases and now has an overall total of 33. The rolling rate here is now at 391.7.

On the outskirts of Hull there was a rapid decrease in numbers in Willerby which has 23 cases – a decline of 25 from the week before. The rolling rate there is 308.8.

Cottingham South and North Ella has a rolling rate of 287.1 after seeing case numbers drop to 19.

Hull’s hospitals issued an appeal to members of the public encouragin­g them to follow lockdown rules in the hope it will slow the spread of the virus in the city.

Castle Hill hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary are currently treating more patients for coronaviru­s than at any point during the first wave of the pandemic.

In a heartbreak­ing appeal to the public, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said: “During the first wave, our staff comforted and held the hands of patients who were dying because their relatives couldn’t be with them.

“They were tired, sore and nauseous after 12 and 13-hourplus shifts working in full PPE.

“Many moved into different areas of work completely to ensure our most seriously ill patients were prioritise­d.

“Some staff even separated from their own families temporaril­y so they could keep on working and protect their loved ones from the effects of this debilitati­ng disease.”

“What we need is for you to help us, our patients, and everyone within the Hull and East Riding community by following the rules.

“Respect the lockdown restrictio­ns. Cover your face, wash and sanitise your hands, and remember to social distance if you have to go out.

“Use health services wisely, but make sure you keep your appointmen­ts if you have them.

“Medical services are continuing throughout lockdown, and staff will do all they can to keep you safe when you arrive at the hospital or clinic.”

Respect the lockdown restrictio­ns. Cover your face, wash and sanitise your hands Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust

 ??  ?? Most of the city has been coloured purple on Public Health England’s interactiv­e map indicating the highest rates in the UK
Most of the city has been coloured purple on Public Health England’s interactiv­e map indicating the highest rates in the UK

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