Huddersfield Daily Examiner



Have a training plan

“Definitely set a training plan. Don’t go out there thinking, ‘Right, I’m going to aim to just run this distance’, whether it’s 10k, a half marathon or a marathon. A training plan gives you breakdowns of how you’re going to get there – and that may be shorter runs, interval runs, speed runs and longer runs - but you never really go the full distance.

“Last time I ran the marathon, I had a coach and followed his programme. This year, doing the half, I followed the Nike [Run Club] training app and it’s been amazing. You’ve got guided runs on there, you’ve got a profession­al coach kind of talking you through the run. It’s the moments when you’re feeling like ‘I can’t do any more’ – they’re in your head saying, ‘You’ve got this’.”

Build in cross training

“I do a lot of strength training. I aim to go three times a week, as well as do my runs. I’m working on the arms, the legs, the calves – because, especially for long distances, you need to make sure those parts of your body are strong.

“It prevents injury. I’ve had a history of knee injury, and I’ve surprised myself that I’m able to go and do these distances and not have knee issues – and that’s because I continue to do the strength programme. There are also times when I ride my bicycle instead of running.”

Remember everyone has off days

“I know all about that... There have been times where I’m like, ‘I just can’t, I don’t know if I’ve got the motivation or strength’. And actually, I listen to my body – a couple of days off is fine. What I’ve realised is, when I go back into the training, I’ve got this burst of energy, you’re excited to be going on a run. And you don’t lose your fitness in that time, you really don’t. So do not beat yourself up for taking a few days off.

“What is more damaging is not listening to your body, going ahead and doing it, and then you end up injuring yourself.”

Test out your fuelling strategy

“When I do my long runs, the only thing I’ll be implementi­ng [in terms of extra fuel] is gels – but what people really shouldn’t do is try new things on the day. Try different brands beforehand, do you like the flavour, is it agreeing with you? Electrolyt­es, the same, that’s another thing I like to do because we lose a lot of salts when we’re running – but don’t be trying these things out [for the first time] on the day. I always make sure I have my three meals a day, get that protein in, get the carbohydra­tes in, a balanced diet. But generally, it’s all about eating. Eat the food!”

Embrace the atmosphere

“I train a lot with music, but when it came to me running a full marathon, I want to take in the atmosphere and the surroundin­gs and everyone cheering me on. When you’ve got people running next to you, you kind of feed off one another, and it’s so nice hearing your name being cheered [so have your name on your top!], strangers saying ‘You’ve got this, you can do this’. It really makes a world of difference.

Perri is running the London Landmarks Half Marathon this Sunday. For details, visit

 ?? ?? SIBLING SUPPORT: Perri and her brother ran the full London Marathon last year
SIBLING SUPPORT: Perri and her brother ran the full London Marathon last year

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