Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Poetry Corner: Corona Virus


One hoped that people would learn something from this current crisis and be more prepared for the even bigger one that is coming – Climate Emergency.

It will be over a longer period but more people are almost certainly going to suffer and die, and the economy is likely to be permanentl­y damaged.

So three trips on planes which are huge carbon emitters and a cruise ship, which is even worse, is not really something to celebrate.

Maybe it is time to limit people to a certain number of air miles per year.

That is besides the issue of the cost.

I am sure that there are many people living in Huddersfie­ld who would be over the moon to be able to afford one holiday not three, clearly very expensive, trips abroad.

You really should not be boasting when many people are wondering about what food they have to put on the table.


complains about ‘Kirklees’ answer to he M25, “the road to hell” the Huddersfie­ld ring road.’

The ring road was conceived in the early 1960s by Huddersfie­ld Corporatio­n, long before anyone had dreamt of Kirklees, and completed before the handover in 1974. By then, of course, the old Corporatio­n had also demolished the oft-lamented Victorian Market Hall in 1970, as




Small, gentle words, with no harshness to threaten or jar the senses.

A halo of light, child-like, wide-eyed, waiting … waiting … for the party games to start. ‘Happy Birthday to You … ‘Happy Birthday to You …’ Hide and Seek

Boo! Found you.

Assessment­s are better the exams

WHY all the fuss about school exams being replaced by teacher assessment­s? Such an update would be a good change.


Got you! Now you are It. Pass the Parcel

Unwrap a layer, keep the gift. Pass it on.

Partying over

I SOL A T I ON is now the game;

Corona mingles with crowds, new followers bow to its demands,

fear the rapid spread of its domain.

Can we deflect its virility, escape its tyranny,

EDITOR’S note: By popular demand – and starting in Monday’s Examiner – Poetry Corner will have its own page in the paper. And we launch with a special poem from a very special person. Don’t miss out!

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