Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Field end season in top four despite defeat at Sedgley



their performanc­e, but would need to put points on the board quickly.

Guy Borrowdale obliged within two minutes when he chased and touched down his own kick block.

Chris Johnson converted and the momentum started to turn the other way.

Huddersfie­ld wouldn’t have had many more opportunit­ies to get some points.

Twice in the second half the Tigers were down to fourteen men owing to a yellow midway through and a red ten minutes before the end.

Alas, Field couldn’t capitalise on the period with an extra man. Arthur Wilkinson went close on a penalty advantage set of phases but his double movement saw the try ruled out.

Dickie Piper was the man to get Field’s final try of the season in typical fashion. A scrum on five metres and the captain exited from the back and burst over the line from close-range. Johnson’s kick meant eight points was now the difference.

However, Sedgley remained resolute and gave nothing away, even with a man less. As the clock went red, all Field managed was a Chris Johnson drop-goal to get a bonus losing point and secure a fourth-place berth.

Had Hinckley not rescued a dramatic draw at Tynedale, it would have been a fifthplace­d finish for the Lockwood men.

Head coach Gareth Lewis, while disappoint­ed in his side’s start, paid tribute to the team’s response and in helping the club achieve a top-four finish. He said: “We were totally outplayed for the opening 30 minutes but salvaged some pride in the second half with a muchimprov­ed performanc­e.

“Overall, it’s been a fantastic season. To finish fourth in National Two is a great achievemen­t and all credit to the boys, they’ve been a pleasure to coach.”

 ??  ?? Huddersfie­ld’s Dickie Piper scores PIC: RAY MORRIS p L
Huddersfie­ld’s Dickie Piper scores PIC: RAY MORRIS p L b
 ??  ?? Harry Whitfield in action for Field at Sedgley Park
Harry Whitfield in action for Field at Sedgley Park PIC: RAY MORRIS

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