Huddersfield Daily Examiner

MP defends town over begging claim


Ms Green, who has previously been critical of the town and the crime rate, said Huddersfie­ld ‘didn’t feel right at night’ and she wouldn’t go there during the dark.

Mr Sheerman said crime rates across Britain had gone up including the use of guns and knives.

Ms Green, who joined Mr Sheerman on a town centre tour last year, said Huddersfie­ld ‘wasn’t what it once was.’

The MP disagreed, saying: “I think you are wrong. The town is still full of good people. People come into town on a Friday and Saturday night to the Lawrence Batley Theatre and see all the young people drinking. They feel it’s not their town.

“That’s true of towns up and down the country.”

He said police needed the resources to combat crime and gangs.

Ms Green said Huddersfie­ld had a ‘massive gang problem’ – but Mr Sheerman said the whole country was facing the same issues.

He added: “Yes it’s impacting Halifax, Huddersfie­ld and Leeds. It would be easy to slag off local police but they are working really hard.”

Mr Sheerman said that people’s values had changed, including among some politician­s.

“People are now talking about taking a noose into a meeting with the Prime Minister. We have abuse of MPs. I don’t remember such a volume of ugly language between people and their MPs. There is something going on and it’s a sad slip in standards.” On the subject of Huddersfie­ld town centre, Ms Green said she had seen people ‘begging quite aggressive­ly.’ Mr Sheerman said he was happy to provide some positive PR for Huddersfie­ld as ‘part of my job is bigging things up.’ He added: “If you are the local MP, you are the PR man for the town. “I like to look on the good side. There are wonderful things happening in the town. The university is booming and we have a wonderful Premier League football team and a new leisure centre.” He added: “We are one of the wealthiest towns.” Mr Sheerman assured the public that West Yorkshire Police was working hard to bring gang members to justice. “They [the stabbings] are disgracefu­l and shocking. Is it gang related, is it drug related? “West Yorkshire Police are working very hard on where these people live and operate. “They are watching people and gangs carefully. They are not sleeping on the job.”

There are wonderful things happening in the town.

Ms Green said Huddersfie­ld should copy Brighouse or Holmfirth which she said were ‘doing a great job.’

The MP agreed and cited Marsh as an example of a thriving place with plenty of good shops and businesses.

“There is more life and vibrancy in these little places than the big towns.”

Mr Sheerman also commented on the recent grooming case involving 20 Huddersfie­ld men who were convicted of sexual abuse of girls.

He said police now had a large and dedicated team to combat child sexual exploitati­on but it was clear the authoritie­s hadn’t previously been up to the job.

“I think we have to learn from what happened in Rotherham and Oxford.

“Up and down the country the child protection system was not geared up to deal with it.

“Rather than confront ignored it.”

He added: “This crime has happened in at least 15 towns and cities and no-one has said ‘what is the root of this.’ No-one has really grasped and why was it allowed to fester for so long?”

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