Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Councillor­s told they must ditch the ‘blather’


“FUNDAMENTA­LLY deceptive and undemocrat­ic.”

That’s the damning verdict on jargon-laden council reports and presentati­ons to meetings that can leave the average person utterly bewildered.

During a meeting of Kirklees Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee earlier this month there was much talk of the authority’s multi-million pound Transforma­tion programme.

But during a baffling presentati­on by one senior officer a councillor was heard to observe: “Sometimes the informatio­n gets lost in translatio­n.”

A harsher critic might have pointed to the contents – which were peppered with keywords and phrases such as “our governance needs to be robust, stable but more agile” – and said they were designed to confuse.

The crux of the presentati­on was a draft report described how the council’s transforma­tion activities had been driven by financial necessity.

Using dense and complex language the officer said “the need to focus on savings became our primary driver” and that savings – or cuts – totalling more than £213 million would be made by the year 2020.

And he admitted that due to the “very internal” nature of current plans the public “would not know what transforma­tion is”.

The Plain English Campaign said Kirklees Council and bodies such as local clinical commission­ing groups and NHS foundation trusts were not the only organisati­ons failing to use straight-forward language.

And it said “euphemism-heavy blather” was often used to mask detail and bamboozle readers or listeners.

A spokesman said: “There’s always been a steady and consistent tendency for local councils across the UK to resort to impenetrab­le language with their communicat­ions.

“It’s no accident that the latest buzzword or snappy neologism finds its way into council language, as it’s far easier to hide behind a 500word vacuum than it is to spend 50 words on an uncomforta­ble or unpopular truth.

“The idea is very simple: bore people into submission or confuse them into apathy. And it’s fundamenta­lly deceptive and undemocrat­ic.

“For too long councils, as well as representa­tives from many other industries obliged to deliver clear public informatio­n, have declined to deliver basic hard facts.

“This is often to spin away potential criticism with euphemism-heavy blather, but also because they can’t – or don’t want to – convey simple ideas in a simple manner.”

Kirklees Council recently held inhouse training for staff over the use of appropriat­e language when writing reports.

When asked to provide a formal definition of what the council meant by “transforma­tion” the leader of the Labour-led authority, Clr Shabir Pandor, sent a 267-word response.

But the meaning seemed to get lost in translatio­n.

“When the council talks about transforma­tion,” said Clr Pandor. “It is referring to changing the way we do things, not just within the council but with all of our partners.

“It is about making sure that the people of Kirklees have the best experience they can within the resources available to us.”

He added that the council understood the need to keep improving and put people at the centre of what it does, helping them to make informed choices and to remain as independen­t as possible.

Changes include finding new ways to make the best use of the skills, talents and resources available, “not just within the council, but across the wider partnershi­ps and local communitie­s.

“This means we are encouragin­g our staff and others to think, behave and work differentl­y.”

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