Huddersfield Daily Examiner

It’s a rat attack


started to hear them scurrying in my loft.

“I wouldn’t go up there, so my son went up and he said there were droppings and put poison down.

“I got a handyman to put poison down. The rats are travelling across the eaves through the houses.

She added: “It needs a full exterminat­ion as the traps aren’t doing anything.

“It makes me feel dirty just knowing they are in there.”

Francine said she has notified Kirklees Council Pest Control who were due to re-visit Tudor Street yesterday.

Meanwhile, mum-of-four Gemma Watson, who lives in Tudor Street, first discovered there was a problem six weeks ago when a pipe in the cupboard under her kitchen sink burst.

Upon closer inspection she found teeth marks in the pipe and she called in Kirklees Council Pest Control.

Gemma said: “I thought it was mice but pest control said it was rats and put poison down in the cupboard.

“It was only after that when we heard scratching and scuttling in the loft and realised it was far worse than we thought.

“The pest control are due to come back but we know the rats are in neighbouri­ng houses and there’s no way to control it other than to put poison down.”

Gemma also took matters into her own hands.

After researchin­g online she ordered a plug-in device which delivers a high pitched noise to disperse the rats.

She added: “I’ve got four kids and it’s disgusting to think they’ve been up there.

“The noises have stopped but unless all the houses are treated it won’t solve the problem.”

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