Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Should we fund someone who doesn’t want ‘the job’? A


RE you a monarchist, a ‘don’t mind and I’ll occasional­ly wave a flag,’ or a dedicated republican? I’m on the fence, but a few stories lately have made me question why we pay so much for our Royal Family.

I wouldn’t scrap the monarchy, I think the Queen does well as our nation’s figurehead and for a 91-year-old continues to do so.

But last week Prince Harry was quoted as saying he once “wanted out” and that none of them really want to be King or Queen but would do it when needed.

In the same week it was revealed the Queen is in line for an 8% increase from public funds and the Sovereign Grant – which pays for the salaries of her household, official travel and upkeep of palaces – is to increase by more than £6m.

Even Prince Charles and his family have had an increase above the public sector - up 1.2% with a £20.7m annual income from his hereditary estate.

He spent £17,000 on a private plane between two of his residences – even the biggest royal fan cannot argue that’s good value for money.

The royal lovers will highlight they only cost us 65p per person per year. Republican­s claim that when security costs and fancy frocks are included, the annual bill for the monarchy is nearer £345m.

I feel uneasy that one family is getting more public money, especially at a time when we’re told ‘there is no magic money tree’ to solve our problems and at a time one of them has said publicly none of them are that keen on the job.

I’ve covered a few Royal visits in my job and I can see the excitement it brings to a community. I once even had a chat with the Queen when I was a volunteer at the Commonweal­th Games in Manchester (one of the sportsmen was on the loo when she arrived so we made small-talk).

I appreciate the good they do – communitie­s on the receiving end of a Royal visit feel it’s a nod of recognitio­n of good work; most people receiving honours usually do so because they deserve them; and I see they’re a great brand ambassador for the UK in a way no current politician could ever be.

And I can also see that the charities which have a Royal as an ambassador truly appreciate the publicity that comes with it.

The young royals - William, Kate and Harry - have helped break down boundaries around discussion­s of mental health lately which is welcomed.

And I’m sure if there were ever to be a referendum on whether we should keep or scrap the Royal Family, the result I’m sure would be a resounding ‘keep them’ and the bunting would be out.

But it sounds so ungrateful to complain about what is a privileged job to have without the need of an interview, election or any proven or prior suitabilit­y for it.

They have a privilege most of us will never experience – they’ll never need to worry about paying bills. There’ll be no threeweek wait to see a GP, queue at A&E or be crammed into a train carriage with too many other commuters.

The Queen has rarely let her opinion be known, perhaps she needs a word in the ear of her younger relatives.

For if they appear ungrateful, why should we continue to fund their very luxurious lifestyles?

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