Horse & Hound

Dr Rhythm remains consistent


Exmoor, Bratton Down, Devon

THE ultra-consistent Dr Rhythm continued his form when winning the men’s open under Joshua Newman. The 11-year-old, trained by Keith Cumings and owned by Mrs C Dunsford and Mr P Clarke has now ˆnished in the top three in 25 of his 32 pointing starts.

“We thought on paper he was going on the wrong day as it looked to be competitiv­e, but it fell apart as there ended up being only two runners,” said Joshua. “We just needed to not do something stupid and he got it done nicely.”

The ladies’ open went to L’Air Du Vent, ridden by Megan Bevan for owner/trainer Jemma Sargent, who took on this 10-year-old from her boss Joe Tizzard a couple of seasons ago to have an easier life away from running under Rules.

“We hoped Meg would have a good spin and come second to the favourite Humaniste, who is a decent horse,” explained Jemma. “But our horse pulled it out of the bag. Meg rode him positively and we knew he’d keep up a good gallop, which he did, winning by 20 lengths.

“I was considerin­g retiring him, but I’m thinking I might bring him back next year.”

Boys Will Be Boys took the restricted under Will Biddick for trainer Michael Felton in what was a ˆrst victory for the ˆve-year-old, owned by The Hon Mrs Townshend & Mr J R Townshend.

“I’d never sat on him before but when his usual rider George Hiscock retired from the saddle last weekend, I got the callup,” said Will. “He’s a lovely big horse and still has a bit of maturing to do. He travelled well and made all until he got a bit idle in front and made a mistake at the last – but he kept ˆnding more when the secondplac­ed horse came to him.”

 ?? ?? Joshua Newman lands a men’s open win riding Dr Rhythm
Joshua Newman lands a men’s open win riding Dr Rhythm

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