Horse & Hound

Good health


IN this week’s issue we look at the particular challenges profession­al riders face that can negatively affect mental health. There is much greater understand­ing in the horseworld, as elsewhere, than there was 20 years ago, that mental health should be treated with as much support as physical health conditions.

There is thankfully greater acceptance, too, that to overcome mental health challenges takes so much more than “kicking on”, as we equestrian­s are prone to saying.

The riders quoted in this feature (p34) have sound advice on where to look for that help, and how to support others who may not realise they could benefit from it. If this feature helps one person realise that actually they’re not just having a bad start to the year, that they need to seek profession­al support, that would be a very good thing.

We also look at the issue of social media trolls (p30), the effect they can have on readers’ mental health and what to do about them. We’ve moved on from accepting that abusive comments are part of having an online presence, or simply ignoring them.

Anyone can take action to protect themselves from online abuse, whether that abuse is intentiona­l or otherwise, and whether trolls are active on their own page or those they look after for a business or clients.

And we look at the stories of those whose mental health has been bettered by the affects of horse ownership

(p38) – the responsibi­lity and support that horses bring to riders’ lives reminding us again what extraordin­ary animals we work with every day.

Sarah Jenkins Editor-in-Chief

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