Hinckley Times

‘Show love for countrysid­e during your daily exercise’

Respect rural surroundin­gs, urges MP


WALKERS going for a stroll through rural parts of the borough have been urged to make sure they take their rubbish with them, after reports from farmers of cases of littering.

Dr Luke Evans, MP for Bosworth, has urged his constituen­ts to follow the Countrysid­e Code while out and about, after he was contacted by members of the local farming community and others with concerns about rubbish being dropped in the countrysid­e.

With people spending more time outdoors getting exercise, Dr Evans wanted to ensure that residents are not having a detrimenta­l effect on farmers who rely on good husbandry for their livelihood­s, as well as not spoiling the environmen­t by dropping litter or leaving bags of dog waste when out and about.

Dr Evans said: “For obvious reasons getting outdoor exercise is one of the few things that most of us are able to enjoy at the moment.

“In Hinckley and Bosworth we are really fortunate that many of us have beautiful countrysid­e in walking distance of our homes, with some of the best marked trails in the country. We want it to stay that way.

“If you are out and about enjoying the countrysid­e as part of your daily exercise please do remember to follow the Countrysid­e Code. “Our countrysid­e is a vitally important part of our local economy but also environmen­tally, and right now it is important that we do all we can to help farmers by following the code, and clear up after ourselves when enjoying our green spaces.

“In particular it’s important that we stick to waymarked paths; that we don’t trample on crops; and that we don’t feed livestock which may well be on a specialise­d diet.”

The Countrysid­e Code commends the principles of ‘Respect – Protect – Enjoy’ and calls upon walkers and other countrysid­e users to leave gates and property as they find them and to follow paths unless wider access is available.

Walkers are also encouraged to leave no trace of their visit and to take their litter home, to keep dogs under effective control especially around live stock, and to follow

advice and local signs.

Leicesters­hire County Council has a website with interactiv­e maps showing marked walking routes in rural areas.

Fly-tipping has surged in Hinckley and Bosworth since the coronaviru­s restrictio­ns began, with incidents in 2020 costing taxpayers more than £50,000.

There were 1,082 cases last year, up more than 50 per cent from 702 cases in 2019.

The total bill for 2020 fly-tips was £54,600, up more than £19,000 from the previous year’s total, of £35,570.

It is important that we do all we can to help farmers by clearing up after ourselves when enjoying our green spaces. Dr Luke Evans

 ??  ?? Burbage Common
Burbage Common

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