Hinckley Times

Delayed £5m Rugby Road scheme is put back again

Spring 2021 is the latest start date for the town project

- NICHOLAS DAWSON nicholas.dawson@reachplc.com

Rugby Road is a key route in Hinckley and it’s important we continue to invest in our transport network

A DELAYED major scheme to improve two key junctions on a main road in Hinckley and Burbage has been set back again due to the coronaviru­s outbreak.

The £5 million project will see upgrades on Rugby Road, at the Hawley Road junction in Hinckley and at the Brookside junction in Burbage, along with pedestrian and cycling improvemen­ts at Granville Road, Spa Lane, London Road and Coventry Road.

Also as part of the initiative, a new parking zone for residents will be created and there will be a review of town centre parking facilities.

Works were originally set to start in May 2019 and finish in summer 2019, but the start date was delayed to summer 2020, and the project has now been pushed back to spring 2021.

Councillor Trevor Pendleton, county council cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “Rugby Road is a key route in Hinckley and it’s important we continue to invest in our transport network as the borough grows, with new homes, jobs and communitie­s.

“Starting the work in spring 2021 will ensure the work will be completed before the busy Christmas period, where highway works are typically halted.

“This scheme will improve sustainabl­e transport options in and out of the town with quicker and more reliable journeys and improve air quality by encouragin­g more people to walk and cycle.”

A left turn lane onto the road will be added from Hawley Road, meaning additional land is needed from the corner of the junction.

A new lane is also to be built at the Brookside junction, with a second lane to be built southbound immediatel­y after where it meets Brookside, which will eventually merge with the other lane.

Changes to the scheme were approved in March this year, including retaining a line of trees that run parallel to the southbound road immediatel­y after the Brookside junction.

The trees were originally to be removed to create the new lane.

However, the second version of the plans includes removing a footpath on that section, and there are concerns that as the road goes up a steep hill, cyclists could find the incline too hard to pedal up and then have nowhere to dismount.

The council is to carry out a formal public consultati­on for the residents’ parking element of the scheme at the end of this month.

Details of the traffic management required for the scheme and a programme for the works will be issued once finalised. The scheme is being funded with £3.5 million from the Government’s National Productivi­ty Investment Fund, a funding pot for upgrades to essential roads.

The remaining £1.5 million will be provided by Leicesters­hire County Council and third party contributi­ons. More informatio­n on the scheme is available on the Leicesters­hire County Council website.

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