Hinckley Times

Police find ‘boy’s toy’ CS spray in man’s room

- TOM MACK hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

POLICE searching a young man’s home found a CS gas spray after his dad pointed them towards his bedroom.

The police arrested Thomas Hogg, 27, at his home in Hinckley Road, Stoney Stanton, on February 19 last year before carrying out the search.

Prosecutor Maimuma Bappa told Leicester Magistrate­s’ Court on Thursday: “On February 19, during a section 18 search of the property, the defendant’s father directed officers to the defendant’s bedroom.

“They found a number of items and one was a spray that looked like a police issue CS canister.”

Carla Riozzi, rep- resenting Hogg, who admitted possessing an illegal weapon, told the court it was just a toy and that he had never gone out armed with it or used it on anyone.

She said: “He co-operated with the police during interview. He purchased the item from a friend and he said it was a boy’s toy.

“He’s never taken it out of the house and he is remorseful for his actions. “He’s been out of trouble for three years.”

She said her client was currently on universal credit but had recently secured a new job as a labourer. Chairman of the bench, Amrik Singh, told Hogg: “We order the destructio­n of this spray.

“We have taken into account your guilty plea and note it was not discharged and was in your private place but it is still a serious offence.” Hogg was given a 12-month community order and told to do 60 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

He purchased the item from a friend and he said it was a boy’s toy.

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