Hinckley Times

Brexit not on political flyer


HYPOCRISY and double standards are probably the single greatest causes of politician mistrust and they all still don’t get it. The latest LibDem flyer takes the biscuit.

Amazingly, it makes no mention of Brexit. Either they regard it as unimportan­t, or hope the electorate here will forget it voted overwhelmi­ngly to leave when the LDs want to revoke Article 50 and remain.

This makes the claim of “fighting the issues that matter in this area” a complete nonsense – they will in fact openly fight against them.

It’s second contradict­ion is through having another pop at the new Tory candidate simply because he is not born and bred Hinckley.

Well, the LibDems have elsewhere in the country done precisely the same thing, so there is a good deal of hypocrisy here.

In addition, for me the quality and integrity of the individual is paramount. You don’t have to have lived your life in an area to do a first class job of representi­ng it – if homegrown was the prime considerat­ion you end up electing the village idiot.

Worse is that they further criticise the poor chap for not having been successful on his previous attempt when their own candidate has a string of failures on his CV. I really don’t understand why people who live in glass houses...

“Putting local people first” is an excellent objective and perfectly possible as a LOCAL councillor.

However, for an MP, the party influence from London quickly takes over. Anyway, I sincerely hope the other parties can more genuinely and impressive­ly put their cases, as the option of not voting at all is becoming an increasing possibilit­y.


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