Hinckley Times

Drug addict drained mum’s account to fund her habit

Kelly Davies gave address as Travelodge in Markfield

- ADRIAN TROUGHTON hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

A HEROIN addict used her pensioner mother’s bank card to go on a £7,500 spending spree on drugs, takeaways and taxis.

Kelly Davies used a bank card connected to her mum’s account to order more than £3,000 worth of items from Argos, then to book a return taxi to bring the goods home to sell for cash for heroin.

The 40-year-old addict used the debit card for five months until the money ran out and used it to order Netflix and Chinese takeaways, top up her mobile phone and to pay a £50 court fine.

Prosecutor Isobel Wilson told city magistrate­s how Davies was arrested after draining her mum’s account between December 2016 and April last year.

She said that Davies’ mother,

Patricia, had been looking forward to receiving a £6,000 PPI payout into her bank account.

Ms Wilson said: “This led her to check her bank account. There were a number of transactio­ns she did not remember making.

“She does not live a very lavish lifestyle. She does not use taxis and never orders a takeaway.

“She was very upset when she found out her daughter had used a debit card connected to her account.

“This is a serious breach of trust and offending over a sustained period. It was not an opportunis­tic, one-off offence.”

Davies, whose address was given as the Travelodge, in Little Shaw Lane, Markfield, pleaded guilty to 10 fraud charges between December 2017 and April 2018.

Barrie Fairbairn, defending, said Davies, who had been living with her mother in Coalville, was deeply ashamed of what she had done and the distress she had caused her mother.

He said: “This is not about greed. She is not greedy. Addiction is a disease. She is ill drug addiction.

“She realises what she has done to her mother. She is weeping in court.

“The mayhem of drug addiction took over. She ordered goods from Argos, used taxis to get them back and then disposed of them to get money to buy drugs.”

Chairman of the bench, Paul Tilley, said: “We do not have the sentencing powers to sentence appropriat­ely in this case, so we are committing you to the crown court for sentencing.”

Davies was given unconditio­nal bail.

She is due to be sentenced at Leicester Crown Court next month. with

 ??  ?? GUILTY: Drug addict Kelly Davies at court
GUILTY: Drug addict Kelly Davies at court

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