Hinckley Times



YOU may not believe it but Hinckley has a number of famous, and infamous, trees which have played a part in history.

Here is a round up of the ones we have uncovered from our archives. We are not sure how many of them still exist today.

1) A tremendous elm tree which stood for centuries at the crossroads in Nailstone was said to mark the most southerly point reached by Bonnie Prince Charlie when he invaded England with his army.

On one occasion Earl Howe’s workmen came to fell the tree but it was saved by a farmer’s wife. Unfortunat­ely the elements took their toll, and it was torn to pieces by a violent storm in September 1962.

2) In the Cotesbach Hall garden there is an ash tree which was claimed, in 1992, by a member of the Forestry Commission to be 700 years old and probably the oldest in the country.

A short distance away stands a massive monkey puzzle tree which is reputed to have been grown from imported seed in 1850. At the edge of the garden are a number of yew trees which are all over 400 years old.

3) One of the oldest buildings in the village of Botcheston is The Greyhound pub, which was originally two of the very early cottages joined together. These were rebuilt around a tree and the tree’s trunk could be seen up to a short time ago. It officially became known as The Greyhound in 1856.

4) Lord Byron met Anne Millbanke in 1812 who described him as “very handsome with manners superior such as one would attribute to Nature’s gentleman”.

Later she married him and for a time they lived together in London but from the outset the marriage was doomed to failure.

After the birth of their daughter Ada Augusta, his wife and child returned to her parents’ new home at Kirkby Hall.

On the rare occasions he visited the hall his wife kept two loaded pistols ready in case he tried to steal his daughter.

The large magnificen­t Lebanon cedar tree which still stands in what was originally the hall garden is known locally as “Byron’s Tree” and it is reputed that Lord Byron spent many hours writing his verse within its shade.

His visits to the hall were ephemeral and in 1816 he left England for the last time, with the memory of his daughter forever at the back of his mind. He never returned, dying abroad in 1824.

On the north side of Orton on the Hill is a group of 130 trees known as the majority clump. These were planted by Mr Hungerford in honour of him obtaining a 130 majority in a close fought election in 1775.

5) In 1750, an oak tree was excavated from a bog in Sapcote and was found to be perfectly sound but as black as ebony. It was sawn into boards and used for interior work in Aston Flamville Church.

6) In 1086 Sutton possessed an extensive forest which covered many acres. The wood contained many elm trees. It was attributed to these that its name became Sutton in the Elms. It was under these trees that the Quakers secretly held services when they were being persecuted.

7) In Peckleton hall grounds is a large mound, where it is believed a prominent Druid warrior is buried. On top is a massive oak tree which is known as “Druid’s Oak”.

8) A new heritage blog for Leicesters­hire has resurrecte­d the strange tale of a unique, entwined-trunk tree which is both oak and ash.

The tree stands alone and majestic in an uncultivat­ed field north of Earl Shilton, close to a public footpath which links the town to Peckleton.

No one really knows how or why the two different species became locked as one, although in his post for The Leicester Chronicle Thomas Kirkup delves into local legend to find the answer, the retelling of which initially appeared in The Hinckley Times in 2001.

According to the story by Ted Orton, decades ago when the open fields were farmed by families of both communitie­s, a young woman from Peckleton caught the eye of a young man from Earl Shilton.

They would smile at one another across the fields during their labours and as harvest approached and the days grew shorter the youth vowed he must meet with her before winter set in and their toils were done.

When his father asked him to fetch water from the stream the boy was delighted as it meant he would pass close by his belle. And so he did, whispering “I love you, meet me tonight at this spot if you love me.”

The girl did indeed love the boy and their first meeting alone became one of many.

However, their romance was not to be. The girl’s father pledged her to another man and obedient daughter as she was, she agreed.

In the spring during their last tryst the boy had an idea which, though apart in body, would mean they were together forever in spirit.

They would plant the seeds of a tree side by side, he an acorn and she the winged seed of an ash, so their love would have a living monument.

And so they did. But instead of growing apart, as the seasons passed the saplings grew closer, with the oak wrapping itself around the ash to protect it in a fond embrace - an echo of the love between the two.

An alternativ­e version has a Romeo and Juliet style theme - without the tragedy - as the two lovers marry, healing a rift between their families, and plant the seeds as a celebratio­n.

Thomas says: “Let’s look at the facts. It is well known that if two plants of the same species grow very close together the stronger one will take over the space and kill the weaker one.

“That is the law of nature, survival of the fittest and I think that the same law applies to two different plants, again it is survival of the fittest.

“It must have survived its early years because the young man, after having said farewell forever to his love, visited the tree on a regular basis for the rest of his life to tend and care for it and to make sure that no harm came to it.

“If he inherited the land, or bought it later in life then this could well be the case.”

9) George Fox died in 1691 and was buried in London. On Saturday 30th November 1991, three American Oak Trees were planted in the village to mark the tercentena­ry of George Fox’s death. A very meagre monument for such a great man stands in a garden in the centre of the village.

 ??  ?? Local legend says this unusual tree, which is an oak and an ash entwined, stems from two seeds being planted decades ago by lovers who were forced apart.
Local legend says this unusual tree, which is an oak and an ash entwined, stems from two seeds being planted decades ago by lovers who were forced apart.

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