Herald Express (Torbay, Brixham & South Hams Edition)

New ambulance boss wants care to be ‘best possible’

- By STAFF REPORTER newsdesk@devonlive.com @DevonLiveN­ews

ANEW chief executive has been appointed to run the region’s ambulance service and vowed to “deliver the best possible care” for patients.

Dr John Martin joined the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust at the end of December last year as interim chief executive on secondment from the London Ambulance Service.

It followed the decision of Will War- render, who took up the role in June 2020, to stand down last year.

Dr Martin had worked as chief paramedic officer and deputy chief executive in the capital before his move.

He began working for the NHS at the age of 18, testing infectious diseases in a microbiolo­gy lab. He has since been a consultant paramedic and continues to practice clinically as well as teach as a visiting professor of paramedic science at the University of Hertfordsh­ire.

He was awarded the King’s Ambulance Service Medal in 2023.

Dr Martin said: “I am delighted to be appointed as the chief executive for the trust and I have enjoyed my first few months as interim chief executive.

“It feels like a lot has happened in that time, and I have particular­ly enjoyed visiting stations and, on occasion, having the opportunit­y to see patients on clinical shifts.

“Everyone has made me feel hugely welcome and I have seen the profession­alism and compassion this organisati­on brings in a highly challengin­g environmen­t.

“I feel very privileged to have the opportunit­y to continue my journey with (the trust), and I very much look forward to working with colleagues, volunteers and our partner organisati­ons to ensure we deliver the best possible care for our patients when they need us most.”

Trust chair Stephen Otter added: “On behalf of the board, I would like to


I have particular­ly enjoyed visiting stations and, on occasion, having the opportunit­y to see patients on clinical shifts

congratula­te John on his appointmen­t and look forward to continuing our work together.

“John’s appointmen­t follows a robust recruitmen­t and interview process including a challengin­g and inclusive assessment where candidates met with a number of panels involving our people, colleague networks, the board and key NHS partners in the South West.”

Dr John Martin

 ?? ?? 6Will Warrender stepped down from the role at the end of last year
6Will Warrender stepped down from the role at the end of last year

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