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School funding concerns raised

- Andrew Galloway andrew.galloway@newsquest.co.uk

CONCERNS have been raised over the management of school funds in Argyll and Bute, a report has revealed.

An internal audit into the management of funds showed that nearly a third of schools across the area did not submit an income and expenditur­e report in 2022/23.

Several other points of concern are also noted in the document, which states that there was a ‘reasonable’ level of assurance among Argyll and Bute Council’s internal auditors.

‘Reasonable’ is the third stage of a five-stage scale, defined as: “Internal control, governance and the management of risk are broadly reliable. However, whilst not displaying a general trend, there are areas of concern which have been identified where elements of residual risk or weakness may put some of the system objectives at risk.”

The report is due to go before the council’s audit and scrutiny committee at its meeting today (Thursday, September 5).

A separate report is listed as being ‘to follow’.

Paul Macaskill, the council’s chief internal auditor, said: “Eleven schools were visited in undertakin­g this review.

“We found that school fund management committees were not always in place, constituti­ons that were in place were not always up to date, committee members were not formally appointed, minutes of meetings were not recorded, and evidence of decision-making was limited.

“The school fund management circular 1.10 does not reflect digital working practices, nor does it clarify roles and responsibi­lities sufficient­ly to support schools subject to interim management and staffing arrangemen­ts.

“The circular is available to all staff, however it is not formally communicat­ed, resulting in a lack of awareness of its content, including instructio­ns and templates to facilitate a consistent approach across all schools.

“Practical training is not currently provided to those involved in the management of school funds, and whilst a LEON module has been made available, there is limited knowledge of its existence.

“Robust processes are in place to manage funds and maintain income and expenditur­e records, however, these

were not always followed and do not fully follow the instructio­ns laid out in the circular.”

Mr Macaskill added: “Expenditur­e was authorised in all instances, however some expenditur­e was not authorised in compliance with set expenditur­e limits and documentar­y evidence was not always available.

“Appropriat­e arrangemen­ts were found to be in place for securing cash and cheques within each school. An annual independen­t audit of school fund accounts had not been arranged in the majority of schools visited.

“There is no process for advising when schools apply for grants, and no correspond­ing register is maintained.

“Of all Argyll and Bute schools, 26 (32.5 per cent) did not submit an annual income and expenditur­e statement for 2022/23.

“Limited checks are carried out to ensure these are received, and there are no spot checks/reviews of individual schools’ processes.”

An Argyll and Bute Council spokespers­on said: “The council’s education service is aware of the report and has agreed responses and timescales in the action plan, as outlined in the report.”

 ?? ?? Concerns have been raised in an audit report over the management of school funds in Argyll and Bute
Concerns have been raised in an audit report over the management of school funds in Argyll and Bute

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