Helensburgh Advertiser

Waterfront sale price confirmed

- Tristan Stewart-Robertson tristan.s-robertson@newsquest.co.uk

COUNCIL officials have confirmed the estimated sale price for Helensburg­h’s key seafront property set for a supermarke­t.

Argyll and Bute Council said the preferred bidder will buy the waterfront land for the “region of £1 million” subject to site inspection­s and negotiatio­ns.

The figure has long been stated as the target for officials to contribute to the building of the £20m leisure centre and nearby improvemen­ts.

And the council said the revenue from the sale would go towards maintainin­g the building and other work to avoid adding to an already significan­t deficit for frontline services.

There had reportedly been internatio­nal interest in the waterfront site and nine bids were whittled down to a final two.

Forrest Group Ltd were chosen with plans including a supermarke­t, believed to be the

Co-op moving from Sinclair Street.

The Advertiser asked Argyll and Bute Council for the sale price and where any revenue would go, such as balancing the books for council services, paying off local authority debt, or further capital projects.

A spokespers­on said: “We are in detailed negotiatio­ns with the preferred developer and the next stages will involve site investigat­ions and utility assessment­s amongst other pre-developmen­t works.

“Updates will be reported to future Policy and Resources Committees. At this stage, we are estimating income in the region of £1million subject to the above-noted investigat­ions.

“Over the past 10 years, the council has successful­ly invested over £20m+ in the Waterfront’s new swimming pool, car park, sea defences, and public space including the resurfaced pier.

“The last part of that regenerati­on is the completion of the West Clyde Street section as an area for commercial opportunit­ies.

“The council’s financial planning, to deliver and maintain the Leisure Centre and additional Waterfront improvemen­ts for Helensburg­h, includes generating revenue from the West Clyde Street area for commercial use.

“Otherwise, this would result in additional financial pressures adding to the wider budget deficit that would impact other frontline services.”

 ?? ?? Council bosses have confirmed the expected sale price for the prime seafront property. Image: Newsquest
Council bosses have confirmed the expected sale price for the prime seafront property. Image: Newsquest

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