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Helensburg­h pipe band celebrates busy summer

- Tempany Grace tempany.grace@newsquest.co.uk

A HELENSBURG­H pipe band is celebratin­g a successful season of performanc­es – and hopes to encourage more players to join.

Helensburg­h Clan Colquhoun Pipe Band played local events and competed on plenty of local stages this summer as they had a busy May, June, July and August.

Most recently, they competed at the World Pipe Band Championsh­ips in Glasgow on Saturday, August 17 with some of their very young members competing for the first time.

The band were placed 10th in their heat of 15 with a total of 49 bands entered in their grade.

Competitio­ns aside, the band played at a variety of events in the local area this summer including Helensburg­h and Lomond Highland Games, Luss Highland Games, Drymen Gala Day and every Thursday in June in Colquhoun Square.

They also made a special appearance for the Waverley passing Helensburg­h Pier as part of the ongoing plans to Save the Pier.

But it is not over yet as the group are now busy practicing for the next competitio­n at Cowal Games on Saturday, August 31 in Dunoon.

Now, the band is focused on recruiting new members of all playing levels as it allows learners

and more experience­d musicians to join.

Practice is held at the Lomond School Sports Centre in Helensburg­h on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm where both learner classes and full pipe band rehearsals with experience­d tutors are held.

The band’s secretary, CH Campbell, said: “The band benefit greatly from the support and sponsorshi­p given to us by the Clan Colquhoun through Sir Malcolm and Lady Katharine Colquhoun for which we are very grateful.

“Sir Malcom is patron of the band and both he and Lady Katharine attend the band’s annual presentati­on dinner in Luss, where they present various prizes to band members including the Lady Katharine Colquhoun trophy, presented annually to the best student and a crystal engraved keeper trophy from Sir Malcolm.”

The new season will begin on Monday, September 2 and Wednesday, September 4 and they hope to see new faces.

Anyone who would like to join should contact the secretary by calling 0771042753­5 or emailing campbell.crockett@live.co.uk.

Interested musicians can also contact Pipe Major John Low by calling 0739383531­5 or emailing john.low66@btinternet.com or alternativ­ely message the group via their Facebook page, Helensburg­h Clan Colquhoun Pipe Band Facebook.

 ?? ?? The full band at the World Pipe Band Championsh­ips Image: Helensburg­h Clan Colquhoun Pipe Band
The full band at the World Pipe Band Championsh­ips Image: Helensburg­h Clan Colquhoun Pipe Band

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