Helensburgh Advertiser

Woman named one of Scotland’s top lawyers

- Emma Reilly

A LAWYER from Helensburg­h says she’s “absolutely delighted” to have been named one of Scotland’s top law profession­als at a top awards ceremony.

Jennifer Jack, a former pupil of Cardross Primary School and Hermitage Academy, was named ‘public sector lawyer of the year’ at Legal 500’s inaugural awards fin Scotland.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, Jennifer, who works with Harper MacLeod LLP, was grateful to be able to honour this milestone year through the award.

She told the Advertiser: “I’m absolutely delighted to have won the award and It’s particular­ly nice to be the first person to have won.

“This is my 25th year as a lawyer and it’s a lovely way to mark that anniversar­y.

“It’s a nice reward for many, many years of hard work, and really interestin­g work, with a set of great clients.

“The award is a lovely appreciati­on of the recognitio­n that clients have given to me and my team at Harper MacLeod.”

Jennifer, whose parents, Mary and Peter, still live in Helensburg­h, has previously been part of teams and law firms who have won prizes, but this was her first award in her own right.

The award categories were judged largely on the basis of public feedback - meaning Jennifer was particular­ly happy to discover how highly her clients had valued her work.

Now living in Fife, Jennifer leads Harper MacLeod’s public law litigation and public inquiries practice across Scotland from their Edinburgh office.

She has worked with high profile clients including the Scottish Government, more than half of the Scottish local authoritie­s, and Greenpeace.

Having worked on high profile cases such as Article 50 and the Edinburgh tram inquiry, Jennifer is one of just a few Scottish lawyers to have experience in Scottish Courts, the UK Supreme Court, and Court of Justice of the European Union.

Legal 500’s Scottish award ceremony took place on Thursday, November 23 in Edinburgh’s Internatio­nal Conference Centre.

And there was another link to Helensburg­h at the awards after BTO - who joined forces with long-establishe­d Burgh law firm Raeburn Hope four years ago - was named the winner of the ‘crime firm of the year’ accolade.

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 ?? ?? Jennifer was delighted to have won the award Image: Harper Macleod
Jennifer was delighted to have won the award Image: Harper Macleod

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