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Jacqueline Jossa tells CBB’S Dan Osborne she won’t be waiting for him when he gets out

Doing CBB could mean the end for the on/off pair


Every year, we know it’s coming, and every year we’re shocked by just how ridiculous­ly out-of-hand things get in the Celebrity Big Brother house. And one person who is definitely expecting the worst is Jacqueline Jossa, who friends say has told her husband Dan Osborne that he better behave himself on the Channel 5 show – or she’s off.

“This year’s show is going to be incredibly stressful and painful for Jac,” says an insider close to the former Eastenders actress. “She couldn’t bear the humiliatio­n if Dan did something he shouldn’t, or starts flirting with one of the female contestant­s. She’s getting her escape plan ready, because she doesn’t feel like she can trust him. “She’s worried his going on Big

Brother may prove her fears right – and if he does something stupid, she won’t be waiting for him when he comes out of the house.”

The pair – who split in May before reuniting weeks later for the birth of second daughter Mia and are now giving things another go – have struggled with a series of infidelity allegation­s since they started dating in 2013. It was claimed Dan slept with fellow

CBB star Gabby Allen during a trip to Marbella when Jac was pregnant, although they have both denied this.

“While there’s nothing to suggest Dan will do anything, he knows it’s going to make for better ratings if he gets romantical­ly close to someone, especially if it’s Gabby,” says the insider. “He wants to make a big impression on the show and has tried to tell Jac that it’s all going to be for the cameras. He says she shouldn’t take any of it seriously, but she told him that’s ridiculous. She’s warned him not to make a fool out of her, and is already dreading what kind of comments she’ll be getting on the street or on the internet.”

The former


star and Jacqueline, 25, made the most of the last days before Dan entered the house, with a trip to the park with their daughters, Ella, three, and two-month-old Mia.

“He’s been really sweet and making all these promises to her about staying faithful,” says the insider. “But Jac’s been trying hard not to fall for his charms. She’s got some really big decisions to make, and if he screws up, she might not be there when he comes out. He’ll always be a part of their kids’ lives, but she’s just not sure if she can put up with the rumours any more. And with him gone for potentiall­y almost a month, it could be the perfect opportunit­y to move on.”

 ??  ?? Dan arrives at the BB house Jac with Ella and Mia
Dan arrives at the BB house Jac with Ella and Mia

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