Heat (UK)

Cheryl and Liam face their toughest test yet

Will Chiam be able to survive this? hey’ve only been together for two years, but Cheryl and Liam Payne have already squeezed a lot into their relationsh­ip, including the arrival of son Bear last March. But spending time as a family has been quite a challe


to be a stay-at-home mum and give up her music and he respects this. [Her mum] Joan will help out when Liam can’t be there. She’s spent the past couple of years out of the spotlight, so she feels that she has to give 110 per cent of herself to the new album, and she doesn’t want to be worrying about Bear if he’s being looked after by someone else when Liam is away.”

While former 1D star Liam – who has spent almost half of Bear’s life away launching a successful solo career – knows it’s going to be hard for them all to coordinate their schedules and spend time together, we’re told that Chezza has made up her mind.

“Of course Liam wishes he could be there more, but there’s not a lot he can do about it, as he’s got his own work commitment­s taking him back over to the States,” our source adds. “The demand for him is huge right now and it’s just impossible to try to sync up his schedule with Cheryl’s. But she’s doing her best to cope with the situation and she hopes that Liam understand­s – she knows he’ll be there whenever he can. There’s also talk of her being a full-time judge on The

X Factor again, which will take her away from home more.”

‘There’s no way Cheryl will be a stay-at-home mum’

While we’ve no doubt Chiam will get through this tough year, we couldn’t help but notice the lack of public gushing they did over Christmas. Over the past couple of years, they’ve been quite vocal about their love for each other – with Liam once saying, “I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world,” and Cheryl posting a selfie of them dressed as elves last Christmas – but they were suspicious­ly quiet this year. While she posted a picture of her dog in a Santa hat, Liam only thanked Cheryl for being an “amazing mum” to Bear, as part of his memories of the year.

Maybe they went rogue and declared their love for each other in person. How very old-fashioned.

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