Harper's Bazaar (UK)


Britain’s fastest woman Dina Asher-Smith on what she has learnt from a career in elite athletics


I remember watching the Athens Olympics in 2004 when I was about eight years old.

Seeing Kelly Holmes win double gold was my first encounter with elite sports and I recall thinking that was what I wanted to do – I wanted to be an Olympian.

When a race is about to start, I try to focus on just one thing.

If you overthink it, you’ll mess up even the stuff you can do with your eyes closed. So take all the limitation­s out of your brain, look down the track and just go.

I think nerves are a really important part of my performanc­e.

As a sprinter, I need that adrenalin spike because it gives me my fight-or-flight response. I love having butterflie­s – that moment when the stadium is silent and all you can feel is your heartbeat. It’s what I live for.

What sets you apart in a race is your mental strength.

At my level, everyone has a similar physical ability and has worked hard, so it’s about not just how much you want it but also how much you’re prepared to deal with the situation you’re in. So much of what we do on the track – and in life and work – is predicated by our mental choices.

I’m a chronic perfection­ist.

As I get older, though, I’m learning that’s not always the most productive attitude, and not necessaril­y the way to get the best out of yourself.

When a race doesn’t go to plan, the biggest thing you should have worked on becomes very clear.

I always try to learn from that, build on it and review what I could do differentl­y next time. But it’s also good to remember that I’m going for the 0.1 per cent here so, relatively speaking, I’m already starting from an excellent place and just trying to be even better.

If there’s something you want to do in life, you can do it through hard work.

It might not be easy, and you might have ups and downs. But just because something hasn’t been done doesn’t mean it can’t be done – and you can be the one to do it.

 ?? ?? Dina Asher-Smith in conversati­on with Bazaar’s executive digital editor
Sarah Karmali
Dina Asher-Smith in conversati­on with Bazaar’s executive digital editor Sarah Karmali
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