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One ‘L’ of a let down


Learner drivers expecting to sit their test this week have been left deflated after the Hamilton examinatio­n centre closed unexpected­ly.

Motorists and their driving tutors were stunned last Wednesday, March 19, to discover that Hamilton Driving Test Centre was shut down – without any warning.

A series of driving tests were scheduled for that morning and over the course of the coming weeks and months, yet the shutters were down with no explanatio­n.

Meanwhile, the government’s Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency website had a specific coronaviru­s statement assuring people that tests would be going ahead.

It read: “You should still go for your driving or theory test, unless you, someone you live with, your instructor or someone they live with have coronaviru­s symptoms.”

Hamilton woman Danielle Hobbs (pictured), who runs D-drive driving school in the Hamilton area, said: “I turned up this morning at 9.17am with a pupil who was due to sit his test. He’s a young man in his early 20s who had been building up to this test, and had been out for an hour lesson with me beforehand preparing.

“When we arrived at the test centre the shutters were down. There were no staff, no emails, no communicat­ion at all to either me or the pupil.

“He was absolutely devastated and I felt terrible too because I had another four driving tests lined up for between now and Monday.

“I had to message all of these people and tell them their test has been postponed for the foreseeabl­e future.

“Months and months of training has gone into getting them prepared for their test, and they’ve invested a lot of money in driving lessons getting ready for it.

“Who knows when they will be able to sit their tests now? We’ve not heard anything from the DVSA and I’ve been unable to reach them to get confirmati­on.”

Danielle, who works part-time as a driving instructor, revealed that the self-isolation and the wider ramificati­ons of coronaviru­s has halved her number of pupils.

“I have four or five pupils currently in selfisolat­ion,” she explained. “A couple have cancelled lessons because they’re keeping their children off school and looking after them.

“There are also clients who worked in bars and restaurant­s but are now out of a job.”

Danielle was rushing around contacting her clients to let them know as soon as possible, and also posted a message on her Facebook page to update the public.

Advising people that driving tests have been cancelled for the foreseeabl­e future, Danielle said lessons will continue for anyone else as normal.

Jamie Lee Mcallister, from Larkhall, commented: “Test on Friday and had no communicat­ion with them at all. Does this mean they’ll refund my test to a later date when they eventually decide to contact me?”

Danielle replied: “It’s shocking, we don’t even know what’s happening. They will reschedule your test date, but as to when I would hope an email is issued today or tomorrow.”

Carla Cassidy commented: “That’s ridiculous, a wee phone call to customers first would have went a long way.”

The DVSA website continued to state that driving tests were still going ahead, as of last (Thursday, March 20), however the following statement was also included: “DVSA might have to cancel your test for other reasons, for example, if the examiner is unwell.

“You’ll be sent a new date for your test if this happens. You can change the date if it’s not suitable.

“You can apply for a refund or out of pocket expenses if DVSA cancels your test at short notice.”

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