Hamilton Advertiser

Soil’s well that ends well!


A Blantyre resident’s plea to help brighten up an area of the town has been a blooming success.

Nicky Springett contacted Bonnie Blantyre to ask if they could add some floral joy into some old planters in High Blantyre.

The community group were up for the challenge but worried they couldn’t remove old roots in the planters. However, South Lanarkshir­e Council Land Services team rose to the challenge and removed them for the group.

All that was left to do was source soil and flowers and luckily when RK Hydro Ltd in Hamilton heard about the appeal they dutifully provided bags of soil and gardening goodies and three kind-hearted local residents provided donations, meaning that the group could get planting.

Joined by Mary Irwin from the TACT Healthy Park, Bonnie Blantyre set about making the area bonnier, but no sooner had they started, when they realised that they didn’t have enough soil.

A spokespers­on for Bonnie Blantyre told the Hamilton Advertiser this week: “as the group got to work they realised they were short on soil and for a second thought their efforts had gone awry.

“However, an appeal on Facebook live meant that within half an hour more local residents had jumped in to save the day, delivering soil to the ladies!

“In just over two hours they had made this area bonnie with residents who live close to the planters kindly offering to water and take care of them.

“Great community spirit in action!”

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