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Bikers will pay tribute to brave Douglas at funeral

300-400 riders are expected

- Shirley Bartynek

Hundreds of bikers from across Britain are expected to provide the funeral cortege for a teenage motorbike fan who passed away last week.

The bikers will rally in Motherwell this Friday to honour 16-year-old Douglas Barclay, who died on February 8.

Douglas, who was profoundly disabled and suffered from West Syndrome since birth, was able to save three other lives after his organs were donated following his death.

This week his heart-broken uncle, Craig Morris, made an online appeal to fellow bikers to help give his nephew a send-off that he would have loved.

He wrote on Facebook: “I can’t put it in to words as I lost my nephew Douglas on February 8. I am asking for any biker available on February 16, to escort my nephew as he loved his uncle Craig’s motorbike.

“This would make his world. This wee man donated his organs to save another three lives. We shall be leaving Scotia Street, Motherwell, at 9.30am heading to Holytown Crematoriu­m. Thank you from all his family if you can attend.”

Craig’s post went viral and bikers from across the world sent messages of support, while others have vowed to be there on the day.

Craig said: “I asked my sister Sharon (Douglas’s mum) for her permission first and then once I had her blessing, I put out the post and never expected a response like this for one minute.

“I’ve had messages from Canada, Australia and America offering kind words, while others have said they will be there on the day.

“It’s looking like there will be 300-400 bikers. I am very good friends with the owner of Route 66 in Motherwell, who has been an enormous help and has organised marshals and a police escort. I’m going to be riding upfront and it will be very emotional. It’s been a really difficult time for all the family, but we would like to thank everyone who has responded and also to the staff at the University Hospital Wishaw ACC (Adult Critical Care) unit for all their support.”

Bikers who would like to escort Douglas are asked to leave Motherwell’s Scotia Street at 9.30am on Friday.

Following the response to the appeal Douglas’s aunt Kirsty Morris, also issued her own appeal to help raise funds for the school that he attended.

Kirsty has set up a Crowdfundi­ng page, and she posted: “Douglas died on February 8, after suffering a seizure that stopped his heart and resulted in a brain injury from lack of oxygen, that he was unable to survive. He was able to donate to three people when he died.

“Douglas suffered from West Syndrome since birth and was profoundly disabled.

“His school, Mavisbank in Airdrie, was a huge part of his life and they cared for him so well. Barnardo’s carers took Douglas out for respite and he had lots of fun times with them.

“As a family we would like to raise money in Douglas’s memory that would allow his school and Barnardo’s to continue to provide care, activities and outings to other disabled children.”

To donate to the Crowdfundi­ng page set up for Douglas visit: https://www.justgiving.com/ crowdfundi­ng/douglasbar­claymemori­alfund?

 ??  ?? Passed away Douglas Barclay
Passed away Douglas Barclay

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