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Man drove at officer

Cop had to dive for cover

- Court reporter

A police officer was injured when he had to dive for cover as a disqualifi­ed driver accelerate­d towards him in Blantyre.

David Madden had just rammed a 16-seater police personnel carrier as he made a desperate attempt to get away from the law.

Madden (23), a prisoner, admitted driving while disqualifi­ed and dangerous driving when he appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court on Friday.

It happened in Cheviot Street on April 23 last year while Madden was on bail for other matters.

Callum Forsyth, prosecutin­g, said six officers were in a minibus in a car park about 7.30pm when someone recognised him as a disqualifi­ed driver.

He was with his girlfriend and tried to make off Isuzu Trooper.

The police tried to block him but Madden reversed into a fence, then accelerate­d and rammed the front of the personnel carrier.

Mr Forsyth said: “Officers drew their batons, got out and began to strike the driver’s window of the Trooper in an effort to remove the accused from his vehicle. However, he continued to manoeuvre, striking a Honda Civic which was extensivel­y damaged.

“The accused then reversed again, accelerati­ng towards a constable who was standing behind his vehicle and forcing him to dive out of its path.

“This officer suffered cuts, bruises and a sprained wrist.”

Mr Forsyth said Madden managed to drive out of the car park.

“The police didn’t follow and instead broadcast for colleagues to look out for his car. However, it was some in an time before he was traced.

Madden is already serving a three-year jail sentence imposed at Dumbarton Sheriff Court last month for dangerous driving and driving while disqualifi­ed. He is banned from driving until 2028.

Defence agent Stephen Macbride said Madden’s offending happened when he was estranged from his family. He explained: “My client comes from a good family.

“They were not prepared to tolerate his behaviour or the company he was keeping.

“Matters came to a head with these cases.

“He now has the support of his family who have visited him in prison and he is preparing to work with the road traffic offenders group while serving his sentence.”

Sheriff Marie Smart jailed Madden for another 16 months, to start when the three-year stretch ends.

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