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Hamilton duo target the Worlds


Two talented Hamilton swimmers have targeted the World Open Water Age Group Championsh­ips after taking titles at a major British event last month.

At the British Open Water Swimming Championsh­ips in Sheffield over a 3k Masters course last month, Colin Pratt finished first in the 35-39 age group in 37.03.06 while Craig Forrest won the 45-49 category in 37.47.21.

Colin finished fourth overall and Craig fifth overall at Rother Valley Country Park over the weekend of July 30-31.

Craig (45) says it was beginners’ luck but is keen to see how far the Hamilton Baths ASC duo, who are also best friends, can go.

Craig said:“that was the first time we had been in the British Championsh­ips, so I was quite pleased.

“The course wasn’t too bad, the conditions were good, the water was quite calm, but these things are always tough.

“We’re hoping to take part in the World Championsh­ips next year – it’s something we just never got round to this year because we were too busy.

“It would be great to do that. We’ve both swam all our days, I’ve been swimming since I was seven, so any kind of medal is special, but especially at the Worlds.

We’ll keep the training up. We’re both at Hamilton Baths three mornings a week, two or three nights a week, and we get to David Lloyd if we have time. We train about six or seven nights a week and it’s mostly swimming but strength and conditioni­ng too, to help us stay fit and lose weight!”

 ??  ?? Taking the plunge Craig Forrest (left) and Colin Pratt from Hamilton won their age groups at the British Open Water Swimming
Taking the plunge Craig Forrest (left) and Colin Pratt from Hamilton won their age groups at the British Open Water Swimming

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