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Chatelhera­ult kids are real bookworms

- Leona Greenan

Pupils at Chatelhera­ult Primary have been enjoying taking part in the First Minister’s reading challenge.

The whole school have been challenged to read 1000 books.

Children from P4 to P7 have been issued with a reading passport that has individual and class targets which will be filled in on the completion of every book.

Principal teacher Veronica Walker said: “Some children are aiming to read a certain amount of books, others want to try reading different genres and others want to get into the reading habit by reading in bed every night.

“Displays are being created in classes and around the school to keep pupils up to date with the progress they are making towards achieving the challenges.

“The literacy group within the school have posted invitation­s to the local community to invite them in for refreshmen­ts and a chance to share a story.

“This will be a monthly event, with classes taking turns to host visitors from the local area.”

Throughout the challenge pupils will also have fun workshops, meet authors, listen to storytelli­ng sessions and invite family members to a learning workshop aimed at supporting literacy at home.

During the challenge pupils have to drop everything and read when a special bell rings.

Veronica added: “It’s great fun as pupils and staff don’t know what time of day this will happen.”

 ??  ?? Challenge accepted Chatelhera­ult kids get reading
Challenge accepted Chatelhera­ult kids get reading

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