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Doctor issues call for his side to rally

Accies coach says title still in their hands


Colette Carr Hamilton Accies Women boss Gary Doctor admits their defeat to title rivals Glasgow Girls stings, but remains he hopeful his side can still be crowned champions.

The 2-1 defeat leaves Accies third in the Scottish Women’s Premier League 2 table, but with only a three-point gap separating them from leaders Glasgow, and two behind second-placed Hearts, Doctor says there is still all to play for.

During the summer break, the coach has plans to lift spirits within the team, in a bid to get them back on track.

He said: “It’s not fatal. The girls were all feeling miserable and were all really down about the result because it was a top-of-the-table game, but I just said that if – and I know it’s a big if – we win our next 10 games we’ll win the league, so it’s in our hands.

“It’s only halfway through the season, it’s not the end of the world, but the break probably doesn’t come at a good time, having lost the game.”

Hamilton had levelled the game in 82 minutes when Laura Gallen’s cross was deflected into the net, but Glasgow netted the winner just three minutes later.

Doctor added: “We’re disappoint­ed with how we played, and I can’t put my finger on why, because we had been playing so well. We can’t have too many complaints, but losing so late on, having got ourselves back into it, was disappoint­ing.

Doctor added: “Going into the game, both teams were probably thinking that if they won it would be a good feeling going into the break, but if you lose you want to get a game straight away to get going again.

“That’s just unfortunat­ely how it has worked out.

“It’s not fatal though – we have a lot of games to play, and we will regroup. The girls were all really down about the result, but, as I say, it isn’t the end of the world.”

Looking ahead to friendlies against SWPL1 side Stirling Uni and Hibs Developmen­t, Doctor reckons those games will help prepare his side for a Scottish Cup and league double-header against Hearts.

“We’re off for five weeks, in terms of the league, but we have friendlies arranged and training sorted, so we’ll get back into it.”

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