Halifax Courier

How I managed to stay focused on success during the tough times


THE YEAR 2021 is fast approachin­g and with a new year brings new opportunit­ies and adventures just around the corner.

Whether you have set goals you’re wanting to achieve or are just eager to start some new healthy habits, being prepared and having the correct mindset can be key components to achieving your goals.

Having gone through injuries snowboardi­ng and enduring the long lockdown of 2020, I learnt many basic tips that really helped me through and can be easily transferre­d into goal setting for both sports and daily life.

The easiest and simplest tip I learnt was the classic: Win the morning, win the day.

This can include waking up early, making your bed as soon as you get up and making a nice, healthy breakfast, such as porridge with fresh fruit.

I found that following a routine like this most mornings really helps to motivate me as I’ve already accomplish­ed something before the day has even truly begun.

Write down your goals: This is another trait that I picked up and I’ve found it really useful and inspiring.

Keeping a journal or as I like to call it ‘a dream journal’ can help bring you one step closer to achieving your goals.

I find that carrying a journal can be useful to write down those genius ideas that appear on the go and also for writing down any barriers or hurdles that you face on the way.

Sometimes it’s better to get them written down on paper and out of your mind, so you can have a clear head moving forwards towards your goals.

Having a positive attitude and beaming optimism will definitely help you towards your goals.

The more positive you are, the more motivated, determined and resilient you will become.

Use that fire inside you that is guiding you towards your goals, to really drive you to success.

If you face setbacks on your journey towards your goals, make sure to accept and acknowledg­e them, but never dwell on them.

Always try and find that motivation inside and remember the reasons why you want to achieve your goals and that will help to ignite that fire within you again. In my experience I found that self-belief is extremely powerful.

Having gone through some long rehab journeys through injuries, I learnt that believing in myself and my ability to reach my goals are so important.

I always believed that I would get back to snowboardi­ng again, no matter how long or tough the rehab would be, and I made sure to believe that even on the difficult days and it worked.

Although these are just a few tips to get you motivated and help you on your journey to achieving your goals or creating new habits to have a successful 2021, these are definitely my favourites and tips that I use daily and really do work for me, so I hope they work for you too.

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