Halifax Courier

Beever to the fore as Lions sweep board


Stainland Lions ladies made their mark at the Yorkshire veterans championsh­ip race at Honley.

Stainland used the event as a counter in their own club championsh­ip and the 42 Lions’ vests among the 200 runners on the starting line spoke volumes about the competitiv­e side of the club.

The ladies laid the gauntlet down to the other clubs on the five mile off road course with Mags Beever finishing as first lady in 46:04 followed by Tanya Seager in 46:27 and Julie Field 49:26 making it a Lions 1-2-3 over the line.

For the men, Mark Pigford finished first for the club in 42:52, followed by Jon Collins 43:48 and the welcome return to racing of Richard Brown in 48:48.

There were many individual successes including Aileen Baldwin taking her customary F60 prize and after two races the results now leave Stain- land top of the ladies table and a close second to Pudsey in the mens. Other Stainland times; Kevin Jaggar 51:44, Neville Scott 52: 06, Trevor Lester 52: 24, Mark Preston 52:38, Colin Hughes 53:16, Gareth Duckworth 53:20, John Hirst 53:23, Aileen Baldwin 53:36, Martin Wood 55:01, Paul Patrick 55:29, Tim Neville 55:33, Michael Greer 55:41, Graham Teal 56:15,Matthew Gadd 57:33, Scott Clarke 57:49, Jonathan Taylor 59:10, Steve Hallam 59:16, Roger Smith 60:00, Steven Crowther 60:18, Tracy Mott 60:39, Karen Marsella 60:47, Martin Carr 60:47, Sandy Gee 61:45, Tania Blackburn 62:11, Helen Fay 62:30, Sally Hackney 64:22, Garry Nicholson 64:48, Dave Hudson 65:24, Wendy Harrison 65:40, Paul Wallis 66:28, Paul Armitage 67:12, Karen Thorne 67:26, David Rushworth 71:56, Paula Pickersgil­l 72:02 and Denise Nicholson 80:27. Halifax Harriers; Nigel Crossfield 49:16, Linda Crabtree 56:48, Peter McCormick 72:05. Stainland Lions took their turn at organising theHudders­field Park run which is now establishe­d as one of the most successful park run events in the country with over 400 runners taking to the 5K course around Greenhead Park every Saturday morning for the free to enter event.

Stainland Lions have always been strong supporters of these runs, their message being that running is for fun and absolutely anybody can join in.

There are normally between 20 and 30 Lions running and on this occasion Simon Gadd oversaw a very successful event with over 60 Lions helping and running.

Karl Gray

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